powdery mildew on dry cured weed do i wash it???


Well-Known Member
so my last crop was taken down beginning of september and since then has been dried out and cured the same way as i always have done through every crop over the past 7 years. i tend to keep a few jars of nice big buds stashed away at the back of the cupboard for when I'm running low or a rainy day. i went to grab some material for making some edibles and noticed a few white bits in my close trim/popcorn upon further inspection it had spread through the bag so i instantly grabbed my jar or blackberry and checked it out unfortunately it was really powdery too. i was speaking to a friend who said to check the centres if it had spread or was just the outside luckily its just the outside so he then advised me to give it a wash and check it out? I've never washed any weed so have no idea what I'm doing is there any point? my thinking is i should give it a try because worse comes to worse its going in the bin any way just be unfortunate to throw away 3 ounces if theres something i can do to make it smokeable again?
so my last crop was taken down beginning of september and since then has been dried out and cured the same way as i always have done through every crop over the past 7 years. i tend to keep a few jars of nice big buds stashed away at the back of the cupboard for when I'm running low or a rainy day. i went to grab some material for making some edibles and noticed a few white bits in my close trim/popcorn upon further inspection it had spread through the bag so i instantly grabbed my jar or blackberry and checked it out unfortunately it was really powdery too. i was speaking to a friend who said to check the centres if it had spread or was just the outside luckily its just the outside so he then advised me to give it a wash and check it out? I've never washed any weed so have no idea what I'm doing is there any point? my thinking is i should give it a try because worse comes to worse its going in the bin any way just be unfortunate to throw away 3 ounces if theres something i can do to make it smokeable again?
Did you put under scope and check middle? There is a video on you tube about washing buds. Ive done it, but they were on branches. Be careful.
Yes look up Jorge Cervantes video on bud washing, worth a shot. the trick is being very gentle and using the right temp water, not too warm or cold. Good luck!
Did you put under scope and check middle? There is a video on you tube about washing buds. Ive done it, but they were on branches. Be careful.
yea i did and the middle was fine but has gotten worse over the past few days. i have attempted just a small bud under a tap just to see if i was going to be wasting my time but it seems to have cleaned it up a bit so may be worth a shot
Powdery Mildew is on living plants. If it happened to weed that was jarred it is straight up moldy. Adding water to it will make matters worse.