Powdery Mildew !!!

Has anyone successfully gotten rid of powdery mildew for good . If so how?

I'm in mid flower stage just using a mild milk and water solution to maintain , but spraying anything on your plants that heavy will always impact them in a negative way somehow.

Yesterday I tried the heat method. Can confirm does not work! I heated my 1 tent to 109 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 hours . all it did was stress them out and the powdery mildew all over my plants is as happy as it was before.

I'm growing ethos seeds chem OG. And it seems to be I'm number one candidate for powdery mildew. I love the strain, great yielder and overall amazing but seems to be a very leafy plant and a great host for powdery mildew.

can anyone give me any suggestions???
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Cheers !
I personally have only beaten it by getting rid of that strain. I had to 2 different phenos of green crack and the one would always get covered with PM however the other wouldn't get it at all
I personally have only beaten it by getting rid of that strain. I had to 2 different phenos of green crack and the one would always get covered with PM however the other wouldn't get it at all

Thanks for the reply . Yeah That may be my only option .
And that was going be my next question . I know that there are no resistant strains. But which ones have you found that you feel aren't as susceptible so getting PM??
If you're not opposed to it maybe try finding an auto version of that strain. It's to my understanding that the ruderalis is very combative to pests and mildews and with the right breeder and good genetics you might just be able to overcome that hurdle! I hope it all works out for you sorry I didn't have any more advice.
Has anyone successfully gotten rid of powdery mildew for good . If so how?

I'm in mid flower stage just using a mild milk and water solution to maintain , but spraying anything on your plants that heavy will always impact them in a negative way somehow.

Yesterday I tried the heat method. Can confirm does not work! I heated my 1 tent to 109 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 hours . all it did was stress them out and the powdery mildew all over my plants is as happy as it was before.

I'm growing ethos seeds chem OG. And it seems to be I'm number one candidate for powdery mildew. I love the strain, great yielder and overall amazing but seems to be a very leafy plant and a great host for powdery mildew.

can anyone give me any suggestions???
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Cheers !
Only way to beat it is proper RH an Air flow don't matter what strain ya growing.PM is every where you breath in spores all the time,trick is don't give it a spot breed.
Dilute potassium silicate works killer to get rid of PM. The plants love it and it won't screw up the taste of your buds. 1ml/L is all you need.

Good luck.
Only way to beat it is proper RH an Air flow don't matter what strain ya growing.PM is every where you breath in spores all the time,trick is don't give it a spot breed.
Okay, thanks for the reply man!
what is the sweet spot for RH you've found works the best to combat or prevent PM ?
And proper air flow and RH is obviously just to prevent it on the first place right.
Because once I have pm it will still grow right any % of humidity right ?
Okay, thanks for the reply man!
what is the sweet spot for RH you've found works the best to combat or prevent PM ?
And proper air flow and RH is obviously just to prevent it on the first place right.
Because once I have pm it will still grow right any % of humidity right ?
3% ho2o has worked great for me, what really makes it bloom is big swings in rh like when lights go out.
Green Cure and will knock it back by drying up active spores but carefully spray just the leaves. There's not a lot you can do for a PM outbreak in flower. EM-1 and Cease can help compete with the spores but once they've taken hold, its nearly impossible to eradicate in flower.
Do you have vegging plants or moms nearby?

I had PM about 8 yrs ago and had to throw everything in the firepit. That taught me a hard lesson about the importance of a good IPM.
Hi,Try alkol tissue technik you can search on web and get more information but i havent seen better result except alk tissue
I have recently had my 1st powdery mildew "nightmare".
Since you are in flower, this may be helpful.... Jorge Cervantes- Washing Away Powdery Mildew

I wound up losing 2 out of 3 long running strains...and nearly killed my entire current crop from PM. After near death with home made organic treatments (my own fault for mixing too strong) , I decided to try GH Exile, which I'm pretty sure is organic too...used the Exile 1 x a week for 3 weeks, and I used a weak hydrogen peroxide spray in between. Also lollipop-ed them heavily to get rid of all the lower leaf. Brought them back and they are in week 4 of flower now.

I also used a ozone generator and cleaned my entire basement, one room at a time, and moved my plants out for this process...They immediately started to thrive like the day after the ozone treatments it seemed.

But all is not well...even though the plants look great good now, I couldn't get them to clone...I did manage to get 2 clones going out of 24 and I normally have damn near 100% success, so I am thinking I may need to start from scratch...I definitely learned a few big lessons!!

I have a feeling the pm came from my super soil mix...but I did get lazy on cleaning too, and let my Rh get a little high. Constant learning ...Just when I think I have things down pat, I find out, I don't! Mother nature is a bitch sometimes!!!
well I jinxed myself....watering tonight and noticed pm is back. I had a feeling, as i said i knew all was not right at their inability to clone. The good news is the GH Exile IS organic, and can be used up until harvest. I hadn't used it in over 3 weeks, since I flipped my lights, but hopefully I can get this gals to harvest then looks like I'll be starting from scratch.

So for all the work I did and being real careful with conditions, it did come back...Pretty sure it never left, it' was just being controlled. Been growing for 20 years and this is my 1st encounter with it, indoors or out!
Powdery Mildew, the white fluffy substance you see is the result(Bloom/Spores) of a family of obligate biotrophs, plant pathogen that act like fungi, infecting living plant tissue and breeding and sporulating and infecting more plants.

The spores can over winter, they are very very small so they get are are everywhere , even when you are not seeing outbreaks. More then likely spores are in your environment or on you.

you one need to clean your entire environment , bleach , h202, sanidate, xertol, Phlsan 20.. etc.. and clean everything

and treat plants daily with some that kills the spores, or prevents outbreaks, flying skull works but Regalia is much better product aids in plants natural resistance

When treating an outbreak I use regalia, yes its not cheap but losing pounds isn't cheap either.
and treat plants daily with some that kills the spores, or prevents outbreaks, flying skull works but Regalia is much better product aids in plants natural resistance

All I know is the pm is like an unwanted house guest, and is really getting to be a huge pain in my arse!!

What do you recommend for daily treatment, when in flower? The Regalia, like the Exile, says to only use once a week. I was using Hydrogen peroxide diluted in between Exile treatments. but wondering if there is something different / better than the peroxide? Have you ever used the GH Exile? Seems good and isn't nearly as expensive as the Regalia.

And yes, I cleaned everything I could, and then blasted my rooms with a ozone generator, and it still came back after 3+ weeks. It is impossible to clean everything though....the spores are microscopic and are everywhere I'm sure! (which is why I used the ozone) I think my problem is coming from my super soil. I used a different bat guano in my mix this time and I think it was untreated. My girls are in 10g bags, and there's 10 of them, so quite a bit of soil. I even saturated the soil with a peroxide mix back in grow a few times when I first noticed the pm. But my previous grow in the same batch of super soil was fantastic so IDK. But that's just a hunch.

And yes it spread to my germination / cloning area and now noting wants to grow correctly...I was thinking my beans were old or had bad genetics, but now I'm pretty sure it's the fungus.

Another problem for me is temps...I cut my operation way back, and the temps are cooler now with way less lighting...Been running about 75 degrees F days and 65F nights, RH 45-50.

I've got fresh beans on the way and don't even dare start them here...
I had same issue I got me a new strain LSD and havn't had a problem with PM since some strains
are just more prone to PM I have a clean light stick I used daily and if real bad twice a day waveing the uv light over the
plants and sterilizes spores but must be done daily its more of a preventive but will starve the PM and will slow it down
I have herd of baking soda peroxide and dish soap mixed with water is affective as well never tried it good luck
PM is a pain to deal with
In my case, I have been growing the same 3 strains for years, but it is true some strains are more sensitive to pm...and I have too big of a grow to use a light stick. It's indoors, so a sulfer burn is dangerous. Already tried the ozone. The baking soda and soap really messed my plants up!

I think I am gonna just have to limp through the next 4 weeks, then start completely fresh.

The only thing I heard that might eliminate it is potassium bicarbonate...anyone have experience with it? Can I use it in flower?

I'd rather have a room full of hermies than this mess!!