Powdery Mildew !!!

This dudding shit make me nervous!! Especially since my girls are exhibiting some signs of a calcium / magnesium deficiency, which is a sign of dubbing...plus their stunted nature, etc.

Allrighty then, I need to get my order in for some Regalia and Botaniguard 22WP for starters. and hope to God i don't have any dubbing disease!!!! And time to mix up a fresh batch of supersoil !! Cha ching, I see $500 disappearing real fast today, lol. As my old (very wealthy) boss use to say..."It's only money"
You're probably fine. Nearly all reports come from growers who've taken in clones. I did see a couple that claim their hydro shops sold infected substrate but for the most part, HpLVd is spread from clones that have been infected by rice root aphids injecting toxins when they bite into the roots. (I cant recall, but broad/russet mites might have been culprit too) It is a little alarming but the more we know the better equipped we are as growers.

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Thanks so much for all of your help!! I just ordered Regalia CG, Venerate CG, and the BotaniGard22wp!

About time I started a IPM...The only IPM I had in the past was yellow sticky cards attached to each grow bag, lol. And I owe it all to you folks!!

I'll let you know how i make out with it, and I have a bunch of exciting new seeds coming so maybe some good will come from all this.
Don't be a tool. Providing growers with info to implement an effective IPM isn't a Band-Aid.
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

There is a huge misconception from home growers and boutique growers that everything has to be perfect or its not ok... it a bunch of elitist garbage.
Has anyone successfully gotten rid of powdery mildew for good . If so how?

I'm in mid flower stage just using a mild milk and water solution to maintain , but spraying anything on your plants that heavy will always impact them in a negative way somehow.

Yesterday I tried the heat method. Can confirm does not work! I heated my 1 tent to 109 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 hours . all it did was stress them out and the powdery mildew all over my plants is as happy as it was before.

I'm growing ethos seeds chem OG. And it seems to be I'm number one candidate for powdery mildew. I love the strain, great yielder and overall amazing but seems to be a very leafy plant and a great host for powdery mildew.

can anyone give me any suggestions???
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Cheers !

So how did you make out anyways? Did you make it to the finish line. How was the end results? And thank you for starting this thread...Hopefully it will help a few people!
So how did you make out anyways? Did you make it to the finish line. How was the end results? And thank you for starting this thread...Hopefully it will help a few people!
I just realized you're not the OP. I'm still not use to this new format with letters in place of avatars for some user.
Woops. :oops:
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I agree. Work with whatcha got. I hope my posts aren't coming across as preachy or elitist. Thats definitely not my intent.
You have definitely been a huge help to me, and I appreciate all the links...I read through them all....God, Aphids sounds 100x worse than powdery mildew! And a really good reason to have an IPM. I really have had very few problems with pests and such, maybe because i live if the frigid north east, but I have a feeling, and am hopeful that an IPM is going to be a game changer for me!!
So how did you make out anyways? Did you make it to the finish line. How was the end results? And thank you for starting this thread...Hopefully it will help a few people!

I just want to say thanks to everyone for keeping this thread going. There is a lot of good info in here. And I would like to hear more.

My harvest went well I kept up with the skim milk method. And before harvest I I sprayed the one part skim milk 3 part water mix all over my PM then waited for that to drive then did a spray of water to wash off any milk that may disrupt the taste of the buds. Here are some pics of the good and the bad. The pic with the pm is a bottom bud that got it very bad and the pic is before my last milk spray before harvest, so I could show how bad it was. 00000PORTRAIT_00000_BURST20200205115454327~2.jpg
Again thanks for the replies everyone . 00100lrPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20200207114245097_COVER.jpg

That hydrogen peroxide wash I posted would have been good for at least the heavily infected buds, but other than that they look decent PT420.

I'm at the end of week 4 and noticed a few tiny spots again last night. They are not filling out quite like they should...They are stacking buds pretty well, but not like normal. These usually produce fat, dense, heavy nugs. My Regalia CG, Venerate CG, and the BotaniGard22wp should all be here tomorrow. And I have a few questions, for those in the know.

So along with my infested flower room, I have a few plants in my veg room...I have the 2 sole Lemon Skunk clones that came from the infected mothers...This is a favorite strain and I hate to lose it...especially since i lost my other 2 long running strains, T-Bomb and T-Snow.... and then I have 5 CC 818's, and 2 white widow from ILGM that actually sucked aren't great! The WW and 818 are from seed. Should I burn them all, or will I be ok with the Regalia? I can't even tell you how long I had been trying to get the 818 strain again...although I do have a few seeds in the refridge still.

I also, hopefully one of these days, will be getting a bunch of new beans....Do I dare start them in the same veg room as the other questionably infected plants? I do have an ozone generator and could blast the room(s) again.

And then my girls in flower, at the end of week 4. Can I spray the plants completely with Regalia?

I have spent well over a grand on this pm now, so an IPM is certainly justified....and $1,000 would have bought a boatload of IPM products!! And that doesn't even count plant and harvest losses.
And then my girls in flower, at the end of week 4. Can I spray the plants completely with Regalia?
Spraying in flower can be tricky, but I think you'd be OK.
Bulking hasn't started yet and with good air flow you don't have that risk of trapped moisture deep within the buds. It "might" change the color of the pistils though.

For edible crops, Regalia has a PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval) of zero days with the recommended dilution rate of 0.5-1% concentration.
I have my dilution written on a dry erase board as 60ml/per gallon but I should probably recheck my mix rate.

@curious2garden @Samwell Seed Well
Could you please list the correct mix rates for Regalia. My label doesnt have a smaller dilution listed so I just went by the 1% dilution rate for edible crops.
Spraying in flower can be tricky, but I think you'd be OK.
Bulking hasn't started yet and with good air flow you don't have that risk of trapped moisture deep within the buds. It "might" change the color of the pistils though.

For edible crops, Regalia has a PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval) of zero days with the recommended dilution rate of 0.5-1% concentration.
I have my dilution written on a dry erase board as 60ml/per gallon but I should probably recheck my mix rate.

@curious2garden @Samwell Seed Well
Could you please list the correct mix rates for Regalia. My label doesnt have a smaller dilution listed so I just went by the 1% dilution rate for edible crops.
Your mix rate follows the instructions to double it if experiencing high pressure from pests it was also the mix rate I used.
From here: https://marronebio.com/download/small-tank-mix-instructions/
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Spraying in flower can be tricky, but I think you'd be OK.
Bulking hasn't started yet and with good air flow you don't have that risk of trapped moisture deep within the buds. It "might" change the color of the pistils though.

For edible crops, Regalia has a PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval) of zero days with the recommended dilution rate of 0.5-1% concentration.
I have my dilution written on a dry erase board as 60ml/per gallon but I should probably recheck my mix rate.

@curious2garden @Samwell Seed Well
Could you please list the correct mix rates for Regalia. My label doesnt have a smaller dilution listed so I just went by the 1% dilution rate for edible crops.
For Regalia
1oz/Gallon is its normal rate

1.5oz/Gallon is a high rate

.5oz/Gallon for drench
Thanks so much! My IPM items should all be delivered tomorrow....and I'll probably think of more questions by then!

Glad you, Tangerine, mentioned that the pistols may change color. I treated nearly a week ago with the GH Exile and they did just that...Probably 25%+ of pistols changed color...and it scared me, thinking that may stop/slow bulking. Does it have any effect? Seems I had this reaction with some AN product years ago and it did effect them negatively, but that was back in my aeroponic days.

Any thoughts on the few plants in my veg room? I know I should probably trash them, but I hate to lose a month+ of time...and damned, it's been so long since I grew anything from seed, I forgot how long it takes as compared to clones! But I also hate to keep having issues....so if you all say trash them, I shall. Maybe treat them and play it by ear???? A couple of my 818 headbands have 16 tops already and I'm hoping will be my next run in the flower room, albeit a small run....and i have another 4 weeks to veg before flower room is available anyways.

I also have one of those electronic 1000x Magnification Endoscope coming, so I can really get a good look at soil and pests, as well as trichomes.
Thanks so much! My IPM items should all be delivered tomorrow....and I'll probably think of more questions by then!

Glad you, Tangerine, mentioned that the pistols may change color. I treated nearly a week ago with the GH Exile and they did just that...Probably 25%+ of pistols changed color...and it scared me, thinking that may stop/slow bulking. Does it have any effect? Seems I had this reaction with some AN product years ago and it did effect them negatively, but that was back in my aeroponic days.

Any thoughts on the few plants in my veg room? I know I should probably trash them, but I hate to lose a month+ of time...and damned, it's been so long since I grew anything from seed, I forgot how long it takes as compared to clones! But I also hate to keep having issues....so if you all say trash them, I shall. Maybe treat them and play it by ear???? A couple of my 818 headbands have 16 tops already and I'm hoping will be my next run in the flower room, albeit a small run....and i have another 4 weeks to veg before flower room is available anyways.

I also have one of those electronic 1000x Magnification Endoscope coming, so I can really get a good look at soil and pests, as well as trichomes.
Lol my work decided to cut regalia, even after i expressed concerns on the outcome of this decision(we have a unique environment called fucked), lets just say 6+ months later we probably lost close to 100 pounds in bag bud from harvest(who knows in actual yield maybe just as much).... you can lead a horse to water...
Lol my work decided to cut regalia, even after i expressed concerns on the outcome of this decision(we have a unique environment called fucked), lets just say 6+ months later we probably lost close to 100 pounds in bag bud from harvest(who knows in actual yield maybe just as much).... you can lead a horse to water...

So did they go back to using the Regalia?? Sounds like the same environment I currently have!!

Question....I ordered the Regalia SC (suspension concentrate) and Venerate SC. Are the regular versions a powder? If not whats the difference, and did I order the right stuff?

Can I use these 2 together, or should I stagger?

And i wasn't aware i could use the Regalia as a root drench...Although there's plenty I'm not aware of, lol... and I still think my pm came from this latest batch of super soil, but of course I will never know for sure.

I'm going to go research on how to properly do a root drench too...like i said, plenty I don't know!!