Powdery Mildew


Well-Known Member
having healthy plants...healthy MJ plants can fight it off without you doing anything, as long as your humidity isn't off the charts high...
So you need a fan that runs all the time to keep things moving and dry...
You can also spray the plant with milk water...Add one to 2 teaspoons of milk to a gallon of water and then spray the plant with the milk water...
You should only do this once though...the milk makes the surface of the leaf have a higher pH that PM doesn't like...and it will help clear it up...and there is apparently some something in milk that makes the plants love it...but if you do it more than once or twice a grow you are opening up yourself for a lot of issues with mold and fungus.
So lower your humidity, if you are feeding the plant then feed it less, and give it a milk bath...if after that you still have PM then you need to rethink your growing procedure, because only a stressed MJ gets PM...
My clones used to get it..but as soon as the dome was taken off and the clones rooted the PM went away on it's own...
I use a cloner now...so no dome, and subsequently no more PM