powdery mildew


Well-Known Member
Not sure if thats PM. I get those spots after rain where water puddles on the leaf. It's different than the normal PM for sure if it is PM.
Hey there, here is my advice to prevent and to kill powdery mildew. I spray my plants plants once a week with milk to prevent the fungus from growing on my leaves.The milk contains lacto bacillus and other bacillus strains the compete with the fungus, I apply at a rate of 1.5 cups milk to 1 gallon of water. If I do get an infestation I apply 1 tablespoon per gallon of water and apply in the morning. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
5150 is right that is a water spot not pm.

Powdery mildew will look like very small amount of powdered sugar are on your leaf. It will be somewhat raised on the leaf.

The water spot of smooth with the leaf and you dont see any 'powder'