Powdery mildew


So I have been have some issues with powdery mildew and I am 4 weeks into flowering outdoors. I cut a lot of the moldy leafs and defoliated a lot of the plant it self. I want to hit them with some water and milk but I'm a little confused with ratios and how often looking online. Any suggestions would be great thanks.
Fill a spray bottle 60 % water 40 % milk apply every ten days is what i was told i used this just about 5 days ago and noticed a big difference however unfortunately it didnt completely rid the problem im still trying to completely get rid of that shit myself. Whatever method you use keep us updated
I too had a little powder mildew on some of my fan leaves I checked the buds didn't see any mold yet. As a precaution I took a spray bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and sprayed the shit out of all my plants. I understand that milk can kill mold spores and what not, but mixing it with mostly water doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose since water is what causes mold in the first place? This is the second time i've used peroxide and it works.
Diluted h2o2 and Green Cure are the best for getting pm controlled in flower. Actinovate is a good defensive spray for after outbreak is controlled with daily sprays for a week.
Fill a spray bottle 60 % water 40 % milk apply every ten days is what i was told i used this just about 5 days ago and noticed a big difference however unfortunately it didnt completely rid the problem im still trying to completely get rid of that shit myself. Whatever method you use keep us updated

Looks like you was right somewhat. According to google.....

Mix 60 parts water with 40 parts milk or whey and spray onto the affected plants bi-weekly. Mix one oz powdered milk to 2 liters of water. Baking soda changes the pH of the fungus and kills it. Mix 1 tbs of baking soda and 1/2 tsp liquid hand soap with one gallon of water.Apr 6, 2016
So your telling me once pm reaches the bud not the leaves the bud you look at that bud and go yepp ima keep it.... that bud has millions of spores that you cant kill every one of and will just keep reinfecting the cleaned leaves and spread to other buds. Have you had pm before? Or just on leaves
So your telling me once pm reaches the bud not the leaves the bud you look at that bud and go yepp ima keep it.... that bud has millions of spores that you cant kill every one of and will just keep reinfecting the cleaned leaves and spread to other buds. Have you had pm before? Or just on leaves
I manage PM correctly and it never really gets into buds. But have helped a buddy harvest a crop that had Pm in the buds, requiring an H2o2 bath and strong rinse. Smoked great, but many trich lost in rinse process.
Yep, keep it until harvest and then submerge it a diluted H2O2 solution and then a quick dip in water. Watch the PM float off the bud to the surface. It resembles oil on water. Many YouTube vids to show how effective it is. Best wishes and good luck.
I manage PM correctly and it never really gets into buds. But have helped a buddy harvest a crop that had Pm in the buds, requiring an H2o2 bath and strong rinse. Smoked great, but many trich lost in rinse process.
You dont guerrilla farm do you? Ha and yeah if it was 2 3 weeks out id keep it but its got six weeks to go im not gonna leave it to keep it infecting shit for 6 weeks
Oh just read from colorado ha! Yeah if i could sit in my house and check on my fucking plants whenever of course id never of had pm. Ha ridiculous
I manage PM correctly and it never really gets into buds. But have helped a buddy harvest a crop that had Pm in the buds, requiring an H2o2 bath and strong rinse. Smoked great, but many trich lost in rinse process.

How did you lose trichomes? No agitation is needed, or st least minimal agitation.
How did you lose trichomes? No agitation is needed, or st least minimal agitation.
Large harvest so our rinse bath was quickly fouled. We sprayed with a garden hose as getting it off was far better than having any left (judgement call, ymmv).
Amateur hour, eh? So because we don't need to guerilla grow that makes us amateurs? Funny how you are the one that is asking for help. Best wishes and good luck.