Power Skunk Under Led


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of buying 2 of their 180 watt led panels myself. The only thing is that I dought that it's going to be enough for a 4x4 ft grow space i.e. roughly 9-12 plants. I'm really interested in seeing your results. Good luck!
Thanks, I think you'll be more than ok with 2 of the 180s in a 4x4 for sure, although I'd think more like 6-8 plants would be a more realistic guess in that space, much more and it'll become crowded. But I guess it really depends on what size pots you'll be using and how big you want the girls to get.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I will not be flowering this beautiful power skunk under the LED. I thought I would be able to find a different place for it for its dark cycles so the autos could still do their things on the 20/4 cycle, but it doesn't look like it will be possible. So it will be joining my 600w hps room that has 5 granddaddy clones and one lavender plant about one week into flowering...im a little disappointed because I wanted to get as much use out of my led panel as possible. I'll still use this thread to update all my girls


Well-Known Member
I lied. The power skunk will now be flowering along side my two white domina autos under the LED. I was going to place it under a 600w hps in a different room but that didn't happen due to uncontrollable circumstances. Instead, I will be budding my autos on the same 12/12 light scchedule as the power skunk. based on my research findings, generally anything with less light than 18/6 on autos decreases yield some, but I have accepted that aleady so please don't tell me what im doing is wrong, because it is right for my situation at hand. Last night they all got 12/12 for the first time. I'll try to post pics in a day or so


Well-Known Member
forgot to mention that I created a homemade co2 container last week, but not sure how well it worked or if there was any effect. The power skunk will be getting its first dose of flowering nutes this evening.


Well-Known Member
Well, since flipping over to 12/12, ive noticed much better flower development than before with the autos. They say it decreases yield slightly but im not worried about it, just glad to see some real progress being made now.

the power skunk was flushed a bit before giving first dose of flowering nutrients. Everything is looking good. I am very happy with my setup, and will likely be selling off 600w hps setup and converting to LED for my other grow as well.

I'll try to get some updated pics later on today


Well-Known Member
Check them out. Mostly white domina auto pics this time. i'll take more pics of the power skunk in the following days.



Well-Known Member
Trying to find a way to raise my light even more because my tallest girl is getting too close. My yo-yos are raised as high as they can be. need to raise the actual chains connected to my light somehow, but they aren't really designed to become shorter in length. Any ideas? Maybe I can take a pic to better show what I mean


Well-Known Member
i just removed the yo yo's and hooked the reflector to the top without them

Trying to find a way to raise my light even more because my tallest girl is getting too close. My yo-yos are raised as high as they can be. need to raise the actual chains connected to my light somehow, but they aren't really designed to become shorter in length. Any ideas? Maybe I can take a pic to better show what I mean


Active Member
Hey what up puff! Just checked out your thread and it looks good bro! I am currently on my third LED grow first regular strain grow. First two grows were autos. I luv my LED, it certainly has performed as I hoped it would! I have a 270w Enhanced spectrum Supernova I bought from hid hut. I'm having a little problem myself with the height. Gonna do a little mod in my cabinet to squeeze another 5-6 inches of height inside there. I have an LSD and a Blue Mystic on day 17 of flower. Both were topped and doing great but the blue mystic is a beast inside there and is 3' tall while the LSD is about 21" tall. I have her lifted to even out the canopy. Anyway good luck I'm subbed.


Well-Known Member
i just removed the yo yo's and hooked the reflector to the top without them
Thanks for the idea. I took mine off the yo-yos too and got another 2 inches, but it's still getting close. I'll put up a pic to show you what I mean about the chains on my light not being able to make shorter.


Well-Known Member
Hey what up puff! Just checked out your thread and it looks good bro! I am currently on my third LED grow first regular strain grow. First two grows were autos. I luv my LED, it certainly has performed as I hoped it would! I have a 270w Enhanced spectrum Supernova I bought from hid hut. I'm having a little problem myself with the height. Gonna do a little mod in my cabinet to squeeze another 5-6 inches of height inside there. I have an LSD and a Blue Mystic on day 17 of flower. Both were topped and doing great but the blue mystic is a beast inside there and is 3' tall while the LSD is about 21" tall. I have her lifted to even out the canopy. Anyway good luck I'm subbed.
Hey chronic! Thanks for checking out my setup. Ive been dropping in on yours every once in a while, yours looking great, keep it up! I was looking at the supernova lights, looks like you're happy with it so i'll have to keep that in mind for future purchases. I also noticed you are running canna coco and nutes too, are you running the whole line or are you subbing any for something else?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, so I just made another LED purchase this morning for my closet grow :)

I ordered 2 15w far red spectraboost spotlights from Advanced LED, same place I got my panel. phone's about to die, update tonight in more detail about why I chose to add these in the mix


Well-Known Member
ok, so about my order of extra lights today...

First, I'm completely happy with my current setup; however, just because I'm happy and seeing great results, I never am able to stay content for too long. I like to tinker around with new toys and conduct my own experiments with stuff and growing is no different for me.

Eventually, I plan on having another panel in the mix too. I contacted my sales rep asking for advice about supplemental lighting and how to see even more impressive results during flowering. The conclusion we came to was that their far red spotlights would be a good solution for my situation and desire for increased growth rates, increased density and deeper canopy penetration. He also suggested maybe adding more all red, which they also have that color spotlight available too (along with blue for veg and full spectrum for all stages), so I may grab a couple all reds down the road too, probably before buying another panel.

Anyway, im stoked to get these guys in the mail and get them in the mix of things. I expect my results to improve some when they get added.


Active Member
Hey chronic! Thanks for checking out my setup. Ive been dropping in on yours every once in a while, yours looking great, keep it up! I was looking at the supernova lights, looks like you're happy with it so i'll have to keep that in mind for future purchases. I also noticed you are running canna coco and nutes too, are you running the whole line or are you subbing any for something else?
No prob Puff! As for the canna nutes I use the coco a&b. Rhizotonic, cannazyme, Bloombastic, and Epsom salt. Decided to try the bloombastic instead of cannaboost. First time using canna and it has been good and easy!


Well-Known Member
Starting to see some real nice buds developing. I can't get a clear enough shot with the camera on my droid to really do them justice. The power skunk is a little behind the white domina in terms of flowering, probably just attributing that to different genetics. Will likely be adding my new spotlights in the mix tomorrow evening too. Coming along rather nicely I'd say. I'll get some pics up tomorrow or whenever I setup the new lights. Side note - also thinking about running down to best buy soon and picking up a new camera or video camera...any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
leica m9 ... lolz may be a bit out of budget though..

Samsung HMX-Q10 quite a nice little camcorder or Panasonic HDC-SDX1 is ace

Starting to see some real nice buds developing. I can't get a clear enough shot with the camera on my droid to really do them justice. The power skunk is a little behind the white domina in terms of flowering, probably just attributing that to different genetics. Will likely be adding my new spotlights in the mix tomorrow evening too. Coming along rather nicely I'd say. I'll get some pics up tomorrow or whenever I setup the new lights. Side note - also thinking about running down to best buy soon and picking up a new camera or video camera...any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
leica m9 ... lolz may be a bit out of budget though..

Samsung HMX-Q10 quite a nice little camcorder or Panasonic HDC-SDX1 is ace
Jesus christ that m9 is fucking six grand? lol I'd get killed by the mrs if i brought that home one day! I'm digging that Samsung camcorder though, leaning toward that. I've been wanting a videocamera for a while now too, maybe in a few more weeks. Thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
The far red spotlights came and I got them plugged in. Can't really tell they're on though, have to look directly at the bulbs to see any light, but from what I understand about wavelengths, far red isn't quite as visible to the human eye as the normal red. I only had one hanging fixture, so I put that up in the corner at an angle. The other I just stuck in a desk lamp and have it pointing up at the girls for now until I can go grab another hanging fixture.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to tie down some of the branches on my big white domina this evening. Getting out of control with how close it's getting to my light and I can't raise my light any higher. Any advice on best ways to tie them down some?