power vs yield


Well-Known Member
You think one 800w metal halide/high pressure sodium is too little for 16, 5 gallon buckets?

13 feet long
5 1/2 feet height
7 1/2 feet width


Well-Known Member
dont think it is so much the lumens, which would probably just barely suffice for this many plants, but rather the reflectivity. i.e.-you would have much better coverage with 2 400 watters. that is a pretty big grow area and certainly light will have a problem dispersing across this area. the light would have to be pretty hgh up to insure proper coverage and at this height lumens will decrease exponentially. did u already purchase or r u planning on purchasing?


Well-Known Member
just planning, tryin to maximize my yield for the space if i use. 2, 1000 watters, that might just barely get me by. I am a believer in both metal halide and HPS at the same time, is there anything better? like more color spectrums or something?


Well-Known Member
thats a big jump from 800 to 2000. my advice is intended soley upon you growing in a jurisdiction that allows for it. that being said, 13 feet long, u prob want to go with 3 lamps. you want even coverage left to right. 1000w will put off alot of heat and with your top being at 5.5 feet...
maybe: 600w hps at 2.5-3ft from left, 600 mh center and 600w hps 2.5-3 feet from right


Well-Known Member
lets comprimise, lets say 2, 800 watt hps/metal halide systems, your figure was 1800w, this is 1600w. Do you think that would work?


Well-Known Member
it would, but are you talking about dual spectrum bulbs? also, it's not the wattage, it is the light coverage in your case. my intial sugg of 2 400watters was off. I still think you are better off with 3 lamps, whatever wattage they are. 400-600 watts each would be enough


Well-Known Member
Yes dual spectrum those things are beasty, 51,000 lumens but i dont know shit about that. Im guessing thats alot. I could always cut down the buckets to maybe 11-14 or something to maximize the 2 lights. good idea?


Active Member
doin it like that maybe get me 1-2 ounces per bucket, huh?
dooby I am running a similar setup. my area is about 6x3x8 . You have a little more space and if your reallying trying to put out some weigh divide the room in two sections with a walk through in between. black plastic would be your walls, totally seal them with duct tape etc.. One room use for vegging and other for flowering. since you like the duel spectrum use your mh or some other form of vegging lights, hell a couple 4 foot tubes would be great. In your flowering room run a 800 or 1000 watt air cooled hps and even a little red spectrum if you liked. I started with 14 5 gallon buckets and downsized to some 2.5 gallon buckets. If you use the 5 gallon buckets make sure you have great drainage for with all that soil you will need to water a lot. perlite and gravel in the bottom really helps. And also with the smaller buckets you will be able to have the option of raising your lights higher because I feel unless your have an ac unit in the room your going to have to vent it. I'm high and just had that awesome Idea i hope it helps:weed:


Well-Known Member
i'm planning the same set up as you GAMEBUSTER was thinking a 1000w hps w/ 4' tubes on the 3 walls (back and sides) with 15, 2gal buckets. hows that sound???


Active Member
i'm planning the same set up as you GAMEBUSTER was thinking a 1000w hps w/ 4' tubes on the 3 walls (back and sides) with 15, 2gal buckets. hows that sound???
sounds nice depending on the strand I would look into few plants with bigger yields if space is possible. I would much rather have 4 plants in 5 gallon bucks under a 1000watts than 15 smaller pots. It gets difficult and annoying watering and testing all the different soil runoffs when a problm arises. So my advice is look into a strand that will grow properly under the conditions you can provide for it. And if your going to do it do it right !No half ass and don't even tell your brother!


Well-Known Member
shit man, if u got the height space, put a plant in a new, un-used bigger garbage can it might get monstrous eh? i know i would try it once if i could. they got huge pots at home depot, much bigger than a 10", maybe even bigger than a 5 gallon bucket. a bag of organic potting mix is like 6 bucks. one bag per 5g bucket for me.


Active Member
its good business strategy
wow you just did give me an awesome idea. I like the idea of two 6 foot plant. I will have to do some research on some of the best ways to do this. I have two 175 watt hps/ mh lights that would go perfect on the side of the walls ( since it is only 4 feet wide, and a 600 watter on the top, possibly a 1000 watter. I could only imagine the yield from two 6 footer with the correct lighting. I've got a lot of ideas flying around for the next go around.


Well-Known Member
Good luck guys I would love to see some monsters! I'm curious about how great the 800 watters are too. I just don't know about the 750 and 800's. Seem like odd numbers.


Well-Known Member
Was thinkin of transferin my 3 females from 5 gallon buckets to 7. i only got 5 1/2 feet height in my grow room so if I could use something bigger than a 7 G bucket I would.