ppl using coke

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
a little surprised with some of the responses involving coke and meth.

i have only done meth once and it was enough. i know a kid who died at 23 with cancer of his lungs, mouth, and liver. he was one fucked up dude. dead at 23. too many drugs.

i have done my share of the candy and it is bad for you. i don't give a shit what anyone says. now i don't care if you wanna get blown scarface style because i have seen the plate of cocaine and it is addictive.

not only is it addictive physically, anyone who has done coke that you aren't hanging around people who are not doing coke. you're a dead give away, unless you are in a club and everyone is blitzed. it is called peer pressure and if you are sitting around doing by yourself in your bathroom, you've really got probems.

now i had a roomate who owned his home 5 years ago and we use to have late night parties after hours and I had high school friend introduce me to a friend of his and they kind of liked us and yeayo was pretty damn cheap, if not free on some special occasions. but when you got a nice house to take girls back to other things fall into place.

so OP, don't go on a 2 week coke binge, you will turn into dirk diggler at the end of that movie with a limp dick, a bloody nose, and a serious cocaine problem. but, if you want to try it one night, lay off it for a week and see how you feel. but from my exstensive experience, you will be completely worthless the following day..........unless you snort some more yeayo, and that is why it is addictive.

some of you people:wall:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Some folks can't handle drugs, some can.
Seriously set the mirror down and walk away from the coke. I have seen it RUIN many, many, many otherwise smart people who thought they could handle it. It always starts fun and is a great ride for a while and then money starts disappearing from your life and going up your nose. It can kill you, either from a bad reaction (cardiac toxicity, heart attack, hemorrhage etc) or from trying to score from the wrong people when you are in deep AND in a BAD way. It sounds like a cliche but its true!

Don't even get me started on meth, a white trash trailer park coke substitute made by people who can't figure out the directions on hamburger helper.:dunce:

There are a lot of concerned people here who are trying to help you make a better decision than playing with fire. If you want something other than weed, I agree with perfextionist420's suggestion of trying acid, it may give you some perspective on your life and where you are going.
Sensible response.
a little surprised with some of the responses involving coke and meth.

i have only done meth once and it was enough. i know a kid who died at 23 with cancer of his lungs, mouth, and liver. he was one fucked up dude. dead at 23. too many drugs.

i have done my share of the candy and it is bad for you. i don't give a shit what anyone says. now i don't care if you wanna get blown scarface style because i have seen the plate of cocaine and it is addictive.

not only is it addictive physically, anyone who has done coke that you aren't hanging around people who are not doing coke. you're a dead give away, unless you are in a club and everyone is blitzed. it is called peer pressure and if you are sitting around doing by yourself in your bathroom, you've really got probems.

now i had a roomate who owned his home 5 years ago and we use to have late night parties after hours and I had high school friend introduce me to a friend of his and they kind of liked us and yeayo was pretty damn cheap, if not free on some special occasions. but when you got a nice house to take girls back to other things fall into place.

so OP, don't go on a 2 week coke binge, you will turn into dirk diggler at the end of that movie with a limp dick, a bloody nose, and a serious cocaine problem. but, if you want to try it one night, lay off it for a week and see how you feel. but from my exstensive experience, you will be completely worthless the following day..........unless you snort some more yeayo, and that is why it is addictive.

some of you people:wall:


Well-Known Member
I dont find i get a bad comedown from coke. speed now theres a bad comedown. honestly I've taken large amounts of coke and dont see the addictive side at all really. I know when your out or on a session when you run out you really want more, but if you polish it off before you hit the bed i find I'm fine the next morning, 2 weeks although could be pushing it, if its really a binge your on, 1 gram a day is not a binge, 7 or 8 grams a day is not a binge, in my opinion 14+ grams a day would be considered a binge, and thats low compared to some people i know, who are not addicts btw. good people, good jobs..etc etc.. just do what you gotta do, only one way to experience life and thats not taking the advice from people off a website, find your own limits....


Well-Known Member
update: I am not addicted to coke and i ended up only doing a 8ball over 3 days.. so yay for me. I appreciate some of the answers, but not all. I have no problem sleeping cuz im prescribed seroquel. I just dont want to have to stop smokin weed, any one else have luck with synthetic urine? how much did it cost you and where did you get it?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I just use clean pee from my mom.So what did you think of coke?
update: I am not addicted to coke and i ended up only doing a 8ball over 3 days.. so yay for me. I appreciate some of the answers, but not all. I have no problem sleeping cuz im prescribed seroquel. I just dont want to have to stop smokin weed, any one else have luck with synthetic urine? how much did it cost you and where did you get it?


Active Member
Man. i've done my fare share of drugs for different lengths of time. I went on a coke benge really close to the one you're wanting to try. i spent $1200 dollars in nine days. Health is the last thing you should be worried about. O yeah i forgot to let you know coke kills heart tissue on contact regardless how much you do. You'll be addicted after a 2 weeks benge whether you like it or not. promise.


Well-Known Member
ive done it before, i didn't do alot of it, but its deff to expensive for my tastes. i deff dont feel like i want to keep doing it but as yall said it would take prob a bit more amount of time.


Well-Known Member
Opiate addiction starts at about twenty days, so two weeks of opiate binging wouldn't lead to addiction, and as such wouldn't lead to withdrawal.
yeah it could
may be if u dont have an addictive personality u wont get addicted
but u'll definatly withdrawal after 2 weeks of opiate binging


Well-Known Member
ive got say personally coke doesnt affect me terribly when i was workin and makin ridiculous money for my age i was snortin may 1-1.5g's a day and thats was workin a 9-5,and i was always fit and able.i still take it like for instance friday just past me and a friend went halfs on an oz gone in 1 night between 4 of us so basically a q each we woke up in the mornin feelin braw and even went out and got breakfast.so basically wot im sayin is it all depends on your immune system sum ppl can do it everyday sum cant.also forgot 2 mention if you are gonna do it if your at a party and sum1 offers you an oz on slate until you can sell it dont take it you will jus end up snortin it all ending up with a sore beak an empty pocket and a serious kicking
wtf i dont know about this one anyone who snorts a quarter in a night (well everybody i know) will be up for days. i never tired it b4 was asked countless times, "yo u want a line" followed by "FUCK U WANNA SMOKE A BLUNT!?"


Well-Known Member
Man I can't believe the bull shit answer on here to try and scare, remember different strokes different folks. Since when does coke kill heart tissue thats the lamest bull shit I ever heard! thats like saying caffeine or guarana will kill your lungs or heart, are some shit. Don't get me wrong I also have seen people do stupid stuff but not ever person will become a dope feind.