
Active Member
Hey guys, I mixed up a GALLO of distilled water for my girls and mixed in the following and had my ph raise way up so I was putting ph down in the mix and put too much in on accident so then I went and put in some ph up lol and heres where I stand!

Power Clone 10ml
Hydrozyme 15ml
Superthrive 1 cap full so maybe 1 ml? lol
Silica 4ml

My ph is now stablized after my mishap at 6.4.
But my ppm has skyrocketed to 1110ppm
I know this is because of the ph down overdose incident that I corrected with ph up.

Is this wayyyyyy to much for babies and should I just mix up a new batch or could I salvage this mix by mixing it with another gallon of Distilled water?

Just looking for some input otherwise I'll start fresh


Active Member
Seedlings are about a week or so old and going on their second set of their true leaves!

I do know it was 600ppm before I started messing with the ph up and down lol!

I really think that with the ingredients that im adding and the fact that im going by what they dictate on the bottle to use, it shouldnt be a problem!:bigjoint:

But I still wont opinions! I may just toss this batch out and I probably wont add the silica next batch in that case or maybe i'll do a half strength of all those nutes to cut the ppm in half!

I will mix up another batch in the morning and inform you guys!

Thanks you!;-)