PPM Confussion


Well-Known Member
My 55 gallon res doesn't seem right but I may be wrong. I am coming to 41 days flower and my res is kind of high at 1500 ppm. My plants all seem very happy and healthy, but my ppm rises slightly and doesnt lower it even stays the same for little periods. So only a lil fluctuation but its always up. My ph is set to 5.8 and I let it drift to 6.2 which does so pretty slow. So ph fluctuation is cool but why does my PPM not go down ?


Well-Known Member
Are you filling your res with a nutrient solution or with plain water?

if you fill your res with a nutrient solution the ppm rises because your plants don't use 100% of the nutes you give them. So the nutes that are not used start to build up


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude I knew that but have soooooo much in my head I just needed help sparking the brain cell that held the info ! Grassy ass:mrgreen:
So there is no harm just wasted nutes ? Im about to move into flush. Can you answer when is the appropriate time to begin flush ? I know u harvest at the chosen trich color but when do u BEGIN ur two week flush ???


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude I knew that but have soooooo much in my head I just needed help sparking the brain cell that held the info ! Grassy ass:mrgreen:
So there is no harm just wasted nutes ? Im about to move into flush. Can you answer when is the appropriate time to begin flush ? I know u harvest at the chosen trich color but when do u BEGIN ur two week flush ???
What was the estimated flowering time for your seeds? If i haven't grown the strain before, I usually start my flush one week short the estimated harvest, usually week 7 or 8 of flowering, and I flush until they are ready to harvest


Well-Known Member
I am doing a herijuana 8 weeks estimate and its got milky trichs right now. The rest are a mix of unknown outdoor plants. So going of the knowledge of not knowing the estimated times what would i go by to begin fllushing ?


Well-Known Member
I would start flushing hj at week 7 or so. if herijuana is estimated at 8 weeks its probably gonna take 9 maybe 10 to finish properly.

If i have no idea how long its gonna flower, i'll flush shy of week 8. I've only grown a handful of different strains but none have finished earlier than 9 weeks for me. I suppose you can use the trichs to tell when to flush, but I've never done that


Well-Known Member
How would u use the trichs though ? Ilike the idea of the trichs telling me when to flush but cant find anything teling me when to flush from what the trichs tell me ?


Well-Known Member
here is a post from another forum

"i usually start flushing when trichs are 50% clear- 50 % cloudy

add 2 weeks and you'll have milky to amber trichs.....for a fully mature amber color i start when milky all over
also the pistels are a indicator ...at that same time they will likely be almost brown all over....



Well-Known Member
Ur a great help brother !!!! Ur helping but have u peeked at my ladies ? Come over my friend ur invited to the show :mrgreen:
So my trichs are milky but my hairs are only a lil brown ?