Ppm question


I am using mills nutrients and I was told I want to be around 1450ppm but that means I can't do a heavy feed because they ppm is really hugh and u was wondering can it be higher than 1450or do need to stay where I am at I am in week 3 of flower


Well-Known Member
When was last feed and the feed before that and the ppm of your water and a pic of the leaves


I feed everyday at 1400ppm because I am using canna coco I use A B C4 and calmag plus right now I'm in week 3 best pic I have at time will have better later tonight



Well-Known Member
Feed them what they need. No plant is the same and will feed at different ppm requirements. If your leaf tips are getting yellow/brown then you are likely over feeding them. If they continue to look as they do in your picture, you'll be good. Keep in mind that more ppm doesnt equal bigger buds/plants.


Well-Known Member
Usually about the 3rd week of flower they will stop stretching....unless its a heavy sativa dominant strain.