

when i added some epsom salts my ppms went through the roof like tripple what it should have been at . how can you control that or does it make a diffrence .what it is


Active Member
ppm's are your parts per million concentration of your water. why are you using epsom salts?

anything you add to your water will raise your ppm's.


Well-Known Member
...and by the way... If your foliar feeding them epsom salts for a magnesium boost,... about half a teaspoon per quart of water is good... And make sure the ater is HOT when you mix, and cool when you apply.


personally, i wouldn't add es to my nutrient solution. if you need to use it, use it on it's own.
thanks man ya thats what I was trying to do boost mag but as soon as I put It in I checked ppms ,seen that and then changed water right away as far as foliar feeding with epson salt I will try that thank for advise .