PPP Seedling Problems


Active Member
Over the last few days I have noticed my 7-10 day old seedling a getting droopy, At first I thought it was over watering which it probably is, I couldn't find any peralite in my town except some that had MG nutes in it so i just used top soil and vermiculite. This is my first grow, so im kinda inexperienced, but the plants I put out doors i had no problems with.

I'm just starting to get worried because I stopped watering them for about a day and a half to see if they would perk up and they didn't so i gave them about half the water i normaly would to see if they would perk up. Every time I water I wait till about the first 3 inches of soil is dry. But I think that in the bottem of the cup its staying moist.

Today when I checked them some of the edges of the leafs felt dry and rough and not like normal leafs. But other then that they seem very healthy. The last plant in the pictures is just a weird one idk whats up with it it sprouted and formed twisty leafs and is already on its 3rd set.

Here some info about the condition

Temp:80-90 (90 on really hot days but mostly stays around 84)
Humidity (30-40)
Lights 24/0 (don't have a timer yet will be getting one friday)

I also had some problems with what looked like some kind of fungi growing the the top of the soil, it look like little white specks and was mostly on little clumps of soil, i removed it and put new top soil on the ones that needed it and its seemed to help.



Well-Known Member
3"? Holy shit, that's only a 4" cup. :lol: That's a little too dry, IMO. For a cup that size, I'd go with 1/2" to 1", at most. Also, that MG perlite doesn't have enough nutes in it to hurt anything, and I'd highly recommend getting some, 'cause that soil doesn't look very good.

If you're having mold/fungus problems, you need to add some more ventilation. Get a decent oscillating fan, and that should solve the problem. :)


Active Member
I know the soil kinda sucks I got alot better soil to transplant too later when they need nutes, I'm just wondering why they are drooping the top of the soil gets dry but I don't think the bottem is. I don't really want to trans plant them that small. The soils dry because I figured they were drooping from over watering.

I also have a pc fan intake and a larger one for exaust along with a oscalating fan , I plan on adding more pc fan ventalation when I add another row of cfls.


Well-Known Member
I know the soil kinda sucks I got alot better soil to transplant too later when they need nutes
Right there is your answer.^ This is when the plants are at their most fragile stage in life, very susceptible, and not the time to just sit back and say...."eh, I know it's crappy soil, but the transplant can wait." What do you think is fucking 'em up? It's the soil.


Active Member
The soil I have is promix ultimate organic it doesn't say the percentage if nutrients in it,just say is has ocean compost in it, I'm scared they will get nute burn if I transplant them right now.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, they won't get nuteburn, unless you add some nutes. They look like they have nuteburn already, actually. Either that, or the PH is way off. What is the PH of the water your giving them? Seriously man, go with the Promix. It won't burn them, as long as you don't add anything extra. :)


Well-Known Member
P.S. It'd also be a good idea to flush them with some PH 6.5 water, while you're deciding what to do with them. Don't worry about overwatering, as long as the soil has been drying out in a decent amount of time. Also, it takes quite awhile to get root rot, and as long as you don't keep them soaked continuously, isn't a risk.


Active Member
Thanks, I'll work on transplanting them this weekend, I Am planning on getting a cheap ph test when i get the money i didn't think it would be much of a problem but sounds like it might be, cause thee isn't any nutrients at all in the soil their in right now.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing the PH is high, soil and/or water, which is why your leaves are twisted like that. It's not your typical fert burn, so ya better check it out. :)


Well-Known Member
i think they look pretty good for the most part. If you think you might of been over watering them, then you probably were. Its so easy to over water them at this stage, and that can slow you down weeks, trust me i had that issue ha. The soil does look a bit "crappy", and you definatley need to check your ph. Im also guessing its way too high. In the mean time you should buy a few gallons of distilled water so atleast you kno there getting somewhere around 7.0 which would be way better than tap water.


Active Member
I flushed the plant last night with distilled water, and when i checked them this morning the ends of the leaves were turning yellow and are really dry/brittle. I'm starting to get worried they look liked they were starting to stop drooping, but the first set a leaves on about 3/4 on the plant yellowing and are extremely dry, also some had brown looking specks on the leaves. THe new growth looks healthy but its too small to tell. I was hoping They would get in better shape, I'm worried they die if I transplant them that young, especially when they aren't doing to well.


Well-Known Member
^Destruction that was already set in motion, will stay in motion for a few days, after correcting the problem. That's just the the way it works. But, if the new growth looks okay, then chances are, you have the problem under control. Time will tell. :)