Pralogan or Gold Label Special Mix for Autoflower Grow

Been seriously absorbing TONS of valuable information concerning soil mixes lately. My main issue is that I`m a newbie grower and would prefer to keep it simple for a few reasons...mainly lack of space to mix my own (apt balcony grow) and sheer teror of screwing up my soil mix by getting too fancy.

I`d like to know if there are any opinions concerning the Pralogan and Gold Label mixes. Which one would generally allow for the `laziest`grow environment? Looking for a stress free, enjoyable grow experience...basically Autoflower Balcony Grow for Dummies. I want to germinate (maybe coco pellets or peat pellets?), plant, water, et viola, cèst finis!

Help me out autoflower masters.
So, my excitement to get started trumped my desire for opinions on the soil battle between plagron and gold label (sorry about the spelling earlier, was typing faster than brain was working). I decided to go with the gold label special mix LIGHT. My decision process was basically this: autoflower might not necessarily like the uber-nutrient environment of plagron (although i like their ingredient list), so lets be gentle and drop her in some lighter mix of top-grade soil so that i can have alittle room to play with NPK if necessary. My general plan is to KISS- keep it simple stupid. germ in coco pellets, plant, water, sun and maybe spice up the P/K at the 6th or 7th week depending on how she looks. Any thoughts, advice, input is certainly welcome. anyway, feeling pretty confident about the gold alot of years behind their science as far as i can tell.