

Well-Known Member
Here's the short version of part of my story from part of a story.......:-P
When i was 15, my neighbor had this dog..... the dog WAS going to die..... no doubt in anyones mind not even the vet.... (it had a inoperable tumor), I prayed the night before they were going to put the dog down to end its suffering....the next day..... the tumor was gone....

Now, i don't believe in the "mainstream" religions, i don't goto church, haven't in a long time, other events have happened similar in nature.

I do believe in a higher power but haven't put a title to the being per say. I just think of the being as watching over the world.

My question is, Has anyone else had this happen to them? And if so, to what extent?


Well-Known Member
Here's the short version of part of my story from part of a story.......:-P
When i was 15, my neighbor had this dog..... the dog WAS going to die..... no doubt in anyones mind not even the vet.... (it had a inoperable tumor), I prayed the night before they were going to put the dog down to end its suffering....the next day..... the tumor was gone....

Now, i don't believe in the "mainstream" religions, i don't goto church, haven't in a long time, other events have happened similar in nature.

I do believe in a higher power but haven't put a title to the being per say. I just think of the being as watching over the world.

My question is, Has anyone else had this happen to them? And if so, to what extent?
That dog didn't not die because you prayed, man. If there is a God, and (s)he is protecting/giving away miracles to dogs before people, then that's some shit.


Active Member
Believing in god is like how kids believe in the boogieman. It's just a story to keep people in check and give them a conscious. The universe is too Massive and random to have been "created" by any higher power. If I was a higher power I'd have many many better and more enjoyable and fulfilling things to do with my time than watch over pond scum.... Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
believing in god is like how kids believe in the boogieman. It's just a story to keep people in check and give them a conscious. The universe is too massive and random to have been "created" by any higher power. If i was a higher power i'd have many many better and more enjoyable and fulfilling things to do with my time than watch over pond scum.... Just my opinion.
:fire:FUCK YEAH !!!:fire:


New Member
Yes have had numerous things given to me by my Creator that were specifically asked for earnestly from an emotional state... my Creator answered and I am thankful

Neither I nor my Creator need you to believe, but you asked so I shared...I believe in
NO RELIGION ...But I know my Creator personally



Well-Known Member
one half of me says yes to your opinion... thee other asks have you ever played the sims? sure is a hell of a good time fucking with people's lives... lol

Believing in god is like how kids believe in the boogieman. It's just a story to keep people in check and give them a conscious. The universe is too Massive and random to have been "created" by any higher power. If I was a higher power I'd have many many better and more enjoyable and fulfilling things to do with my time than watch over pond scum.... Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
one half of me says yes to your opinion... thee other asks have you ever played the sims? sure is a hell of a good time fucking with people's lives... lol

Believing in god is like how kids believe in the boogieman. It's just a story to keep people in check and give them a conscious. The universe is too Massive and random to have been "created" by any higher power. If I was a higher power I'd have many many better and more enjoyable and fulfilling things to do with my time than watch over pond scum.... Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
You are seriously a douche and need to stop posting pointless negative threads on shit.

I personally don't pray, go to church, or practice any religion. I feel there might be something out there but I'm not sure.

The term for people like us is agnosticism (agnostic)
People like us.. You are nothing like me and you never will be. You clownshoe, keep up the wise words of encouragement...
How is my opinion pointless ??
I dont post negative threads..
Actually I find myself to be quite helpful to most people on this site..

Peace and Happy Growing !!


Active Member
Once you decide yours is right, then all the others must be wrong. Who is anyone to say their beliefs are any truer than anyone elses. A true lord or god or whatever is going to judge you by how you lived your life, not by how you kissed his/her ass.


Active Member
People used to seek religion for answers. We have science now. In a thousand years society will Laugh at the " religious age ". If it wasn't for the church we wouldn't have had the dark ages. If it weren't for the dark ages we would have had iPods 500 years ago and would be 500 years more advanced as a civilization.


Well-Known Member
Once you decide yours is right, then all the others must be wrong. Who is anyone to say their beliefs are any truer than anyone elses. A true lord or god or whatever is going to judge you by how you lived your life, not by how you kissed his/her ass.
this is very true..

spoken like a true scholar Buster..


Well-Known Member
You are seriously a douche and need to stop posting pointless negative threads on shit.
Earlier someone started this thread: suicidal thoughts when i smoke somtimes

and this was my response. (I personally found it very uplifting, usefull and helpful to say the least not pointless or negative by any means)

Fun and interesting ways to commit suicide

Throwing yourself off a road bridge is common and dull, don’t even think of cutting yourself either what you need is something fun, and interesting, maybe BURNING YOUR SELF TO DEATH.
So put that noose away, pull the loaded pistol away from your face, take your head out of the oven.
You should be happy and take pride in your suicide.
Here are just a few ideas for fun and interesting ways to commit suicide.

Rules for a fun and interesting death
  • Rule #1: Be innovative. Try to think of something suitably flashy, and something nobody has ever done before.
  • Rule #2: Make sure you die. According to the AOPSFAIWTCS scoring rules you lose a lot of points for not actually dying, and you could even have your membership revoked.
  • Rule #3: Be helpful. Some of the members are very dumb and only joined because they felt it might be a good idea at the time. Some of them may need a push in the right direction (possibly a literal push in the right direction) to get the kind of magnificent death they probably don’t deserve.
Remember all these things and the perfect death awaits you.
Oh, Suicide Notes are always a fun way to end it for your loved ones.
Take Dane Cook's advice, if you're going to commit suicide, write a fantastic suicide note, "I have chosen to assassinate myself,"
That right there is going to be great, the person to find it will say "Wow, Now this guy, He was creative !
He chose not ONLY to commit suicide, but to assassinate himself!".
Though to actually use this exact example would be a crime.
Your'e already suicidal all you need now is a court case, keep in mind copyright laws when creating (preferably writing as to make it more personal and thus more damaging to your family and peers as they're probably the reason for your suicide in the first place) your Suicide Note.

Ways to commit suicide:

  • Fighting a dragon
  • pills
  • hanging
  • staring at Mel Gibson
  • Jumping off your bed into a dark hole
  • bringing home all C's on your report card (asians only)
  • beating up god
  • hating jews
  • drowning in chocolate
  • take a rattlesnake bath
  • walking into your boss's office and asking her if she is afraid of ghosts...once she says yes, yell "good, because im going to haunt you for the rest of your life"...then blow your brains out.
  • swallow a handful of BB's moments before your MRI



Active Member
Scholar no, free thinking pot head yes! Haha. It just seems like common sense to me. I mean if u step back and just look at shit I can't see how people can believe in half the superstitious bullshit they do!


New Member
People used to seek religion for answers. We have science now. In a thousand years society will Laugh at the " religious age ". If it wasn't for the church we wouldn't have had the dark ages. If it weren't for the dark ages we would have had iPods 500 years ago and would be 500 years more advanced as a civilization.
And could be extinct now as we destroyed ourselves with our science toys of destruction...religion sux...all of them...including SCIENCE which is just another religion with belief systems and nothing can ever be proven conclusively so they need "peer" reviews before their supposed "findings" are accepted...hence just a belief systems that gave us toys to destroy ourselves and the planet, our home, with...

No one in the dark ages had to worry about some politico scientist ending all life on this planet....but we do

Don't just attack the religions and gods you do not agree with...



Well-Known Member
Scholar no, free thinking pot head yes! Haha. It just seems like common sense to me. I mean if u step back and just look at shit I can't see how people can believe in half the superstitious bullshit they do!
Scholar,Free thinking pot head.. same thing to me.. The bottom line is that there eyes are open to the world around them.


Active Member
And could be extinct now as we destroyed ourselves with our science toys of destruction...religion sux...all of them...including SCIENCE which is just another religion with belief systems and nothing can ever be proven conclusively so they need "peer" reviews before their supposed "findings" are accepted...hence just a belief systems that gave us toys to destroy ourselves and the planet, our home, with...

No one in the dark ages had to worry about some politico scientist ending all life on this planet....but we do

Don't just attack the religions and gods you do not agree with...

I think you mean theoretical science. There are many proven laws that the church used to say they had answers to. All i hear is could would and if from your science bash, and thats all fine and dandy, but without believing science and the LAWS of physics we would have fancy grow ops and things like lights. If anything deserves our admiration, loyalty or whatever it's science I agree they all suck and I have not bashed your creator belief or whatever that is, just pointing out some facts that are, well... Facts. Here's a few Religion has killed more people than since has I.e. All wars, the crusades, ect... Hell, In the bible god killed 1000X or so more people than the devil. Hmmmm


New Member
As I said I neither accept or condone ANY RELIGION...

Not bashing science persay just stating the fact that it is a religion as well....

ALL RELIGIONS HAVE FOLLOWERS THAT KILL IN ITS NAME...always have always will...and the religion of science has caused many more deaths than it has with all religion

I was not bashing science...just your elevation of it as anything better than religion when that is really what it is as well

I do not believe anyone should know what I know

And all should believe or know as they wish
