Pre-98 Bubba Kush, High Brix, LED


Well-Known Member
**** Before I get started and before anyone else leaves any comments: 1. I am not seeking discussion on the subject of this web based journal. I am not here to convince anyone to change anything that they might not want to change. I am, kindly, sharing the results of what I happen to do within the small grow space and budget that I get to work with. 2. If I want additional information. I will do my own web based research and or will ask the individuals, I trust, for their thoughts. 3. Please, kindly, read this thread left behind by an administrator. ****

Technical details:

Grow space:
A portion of my closet that is about 21in x 21in x 60in (53.3cm x 53.3cm x 1.52m). With Orca grow film on the walls and on top of the carpet.

Lighting Source: :
1. Main- LED (COB based)
For details on the grow lights.
2. Supplementary- (Ultra Violet) Two 26 watt Exo-Terra Reptile CFL bulbs.

Lighting Schedules: 1. Vegetative phase: (Gas Lantern Routine) 12 on / 5.5 off / 1 on / 5.5 off 2. Flowering phase: (Diminishing light) Starting with 9 on / 15 off and decreasing down to, possibly, 6 on /18 off

Container: Starter pot- A one gallon Smart Pot "transplanter" pot. Finishing pot: A five gallon Smart Pot.

Grow Medium: THIRD RUN- 1. Amended ProMixHP (ProMixHP is sphagnum peat moss, with endo-micorrihaeza, a starter charge of Dolomite Lime, and perlite) The amendments added to the fresh ProMixHP include: a number of missing trace minerals such as boron, some rock powders, beneficial bacteria, and 19.5lb (8.85kg) of earthworm castings with an NPK ratio of 1-1-0. Excluding the earthworm casting, the additional amendments are included in the"Doc Bud's Kit."

Organic Nutrients: "Doc Bud's" High Brix Blend Kit.

Water: Tap water

Co2 source: An open window

Humidity control: Wet paper towels sticking out of a plastic bottle.

Genetics: Pre-1998 Bubba Kush - With additional web searching... The original genetics for pre-98 bubba kush is said to be OG Kush X West Coast Dawg X Old World Kush

Generally speaking:
1. Wikipedia Article: Brix
2. For information on "High Brix" at your own pace....
3. For anyone who may not understand the vegetative lighting schedule... Hyperlink one. The lighting schedules I am using are not new at all. The vegetative lighting schedule is commonly used in large scale, "Commercial," greenhouses and will be found in college level horticultural books. Please, feel free to do your own web based study and make your own well informed and thought out decisions.
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Vegetative Day 1: IMAG2712.jpg

The cotyledons finally show up… This is the first seed.

Vegetative 8: IMAG2717.jpg

Growth is slow… for now. It is going through the first “Dry out” phase to encourage root development.

Vegetative 13:

Weight 1,302 grams

Vegetative 19: Weight 1,126 grams

Feed/Water: 2 ml Growth Energy, 1 ml Tea, 1 liter of water

I gave food and water because the cotyledons where yellowing.

Vegetative 20: IMAG2723.jpg IMAG2724.jpg

Weight 1948 grams

Vegetative 21 IMAG2728.jpg IMAG2729.jpg

Foliar Spray: Brix (less than .5ml to 1tsp water)

I placed a new four inch fan in the grow space for constant air circulation.

Vegetative 34

Feed/Water: Quarter strength Transplant (1.25ml Trans to 1liter of water)

Lighting: I swapped out the main light source. 6500K to 3500K

Vegetative 35 IMAG2746.jpg IMAG2747.jpg

Foliar Spray: Brix ( 1ml to 2 tsp)
Vegetative 39

Food/Water: Growth Energy + Tea (2.1ml GE and .5ml Tea to 1 liter of water)

Lighting: Lowered the main light source.

Vegetative 42

Food/Water: Quarter strength Transplant (.6ml Trans to 1L of water)

Vegetative 44

Food/Water: Growth Energy plus Tea ( 4ml GE + .5ml T to 1L of water)

Vegetative 47

Water: 1 Litre

Vegetative 49

Foliar Spray: Brix

Water: 1 Litre

Vegetative 52

Food/Water: Quarter strength Growth Energy (.6ml GE + 1L water)

Thoughts: Harvest will most likely be the week before Halloween.

Vegetative 54 IMAG2759.jpg IMAG2760.jpg

Food/Water: Growth Energy plus Tea (2.4ml GE + .6ml T in 1L water)

Vegetative 55

Water: One liter

Vegetative 56

Food/Water: Quarter strength Transplant ( .6ml Trans in 1L water)
Vegetative 60

Food/Water: Full strength Transplant plus Tea (~4.5ml Trans + .5ml T in 3L water)

Thoughts: The final vegetative day and first flowering night. The plant was transplanted into the final ~19L container and pruned.

Flowering 3/ 63 Overall IMAG2762.jpg IMAG2763.jpg

Flowering 4/ 64 Overall

Food/Water: Quarter strength Transplant (1.4ml Trans in ~4L water)

Flowering 8/ 68 Overall

Water: Two liters

Thoughts: The first two weeks of stretch is almost over. Some of the plant’s root system is already poking out of the container and some pistils are forming.

Flowering 10/ 70 Overall

Foliar Spray: Brix (.5ml Brix to 1 ounce water)

Flowering 13/ 73 Overall

Food/Water: Growth Energy + .25str Transplant + Tea in a gallon

Flowering 14/ 74 Overall

Water: 1.5L

Flowering 15/ 75 Overall IMAG2766.jpg IMAG2767.jpg

Food/Water: “Cat Drench” plus tea (4ml Cat + 3ml T in ~4L water)

Flowering 16/ 76 Overall

Foliar Spray: Brix (.5ml Brix, .5 ounce water)

Flower 19/ 79 Overall

Food/Water: “Cat Drench” plus tea (4ml Cat + 3ml T in ~4L water)
Flowering 26/ 86 Overall IMAG2769.jpg IMAG2770.jpg

Food/Water: Quarter Strength Cat Drench (1.25ml Cat in ~4L water)

Flowering 28/ 88 Overall IMAG2771.jpg

Water: 1 Litre in the tray

Flowering 31/ 91 Overall

Food/Water: Growth Energy plus .25str Cat plus Tea (4ml GE+ .60ml Cat + 4ml T in ~4L water)

Flowering 32/ 92 Overall

Foliar Spray: Destress

Flowering 35/ 95 Overall IMAG2780.jpg IMAG2782.jpg

Flowering 36/ 96 Overall

Food/Water: .25str Transplant (1.2ml Trans in ~4L water)

Top dressed with about a quarter gallon of fresh soil.

Flowering 38/ 98 Overall

Water: 2.5 L in the tray

Flowering 39/ 99 Overall

Food/Water: Growth Energy + .25str Transplant + Tea

(4.5ml GE + 1.2ml Trans + 3ml T in ~4L water)

Thoughts: Some of the pistils have turned red, while a number of the lower fan leaves are dying back. I found what looks like a lava rock and put in the top soil for any trace minerals the plant may need.

Flowering 42/ 102 Overall

Lighting Schedule: Eight hours on 16 hours off… Down from 9 on 15 off.

Food/Water: .25str Transplant (1.2ml Trans in ~4L water)
Flowering 45/ 105 Overall

Food/Water: Growth Energy + .25str Cat + Tea (4.5ml GE + 1.2ml Cat + 3.5ml T in ~4L water)

Flowering 46/ 106 Overall IMAG2787.jpg IMAG2788.jpg IMAG2789.jpg IMAG2790.jpg IMAG2791.jpg IMAG2793.jpg

Water: 2L in the tray

Flowering 49/ 109 Overall

Food/Water: .25str Transplant (1.2ml Trans in ~4L water)

Flowering 50/ 108 Overall

Water: 2L of water in tray

Flowering 51/ 111 Overall

Water: 1L water in the tray

Lighting Schedule: 7.5 hours on/ 16.5 off

Flowering 52/ 112 Overall IMAG2801.jpg IMAG2802.jpg
Flowering 53/ 113 Overall

Food/Water: Growth Energy + .25str Transplant + Tea

(4.5ml GE + 1.2ml Trans + 3ml T in ~4L water)

Flowering 56/ 116 Overall

Water ~2L in the tray

Preharvest: Removed the humidity container.

Flowering 57/ 117 Overall

Preharvest: Removed the LED

Flowering 58/ 118 Overall
IMAG2807.jpg IMAG2808.jpg IMAG2811.jpg IMAG2809.jpg IMAG2813.jpg IMAG2814.jpg IMAG2815.jpg
(Side notes: These photos were taken with just the UV on. The camera's color contrast or saturation setting was changed between photos.)

Preharvest: UV A/B off

Flowering 59/ 119 Overall

Preharvest: 24 hours of darkness

Flowering 60/ 120 Overall- Harvest day

About the harvest: Overall "Wet" weight- 21.6 ounces(612.35 grams) After three days of hang drying. The overall "Dry weight" - 5.2 ounces(147.42grams)

This is the end of the first seed.