pre built cobs

Truth why do you have a problem with the truth. No lighting companies just some assembly of pre built parts anyone can do it including your hero
Who is my hero? I'm talking about the quality of components they use. Welcome to the ignore list. Please everyone don't listen to this dumbass.
Yes, i realize they are made in China like most things today. That doesnt bother me. Hell my Denon receiver is made in china, im assuming my phone is made in china, all my lawn mowers are made in china but assembled elsewhere, my laptop is made in China..

I was hoping for some constructive feed back and a price. I also dont think is very professional of us to rubbish a product that sponsors our site.
Was not trashing anyone. Assembling parts into fixtures is not dishonest or amy way demeaning. They do not make anything they buy and assemble into a fixture parts by others. No shame in that unless you are being dishonest. Custom motorcycles are made the same by some folks not custom just parts assembled into what they want. No difference here. No insult just observation. Why ask if you don't want to hear the answers not just the ones you want. I have no problems with. You know who I could care less. But I will not bow down to him or kiss his butt. He has to earn respect and his behavior indicates otherwise.
Greengeenes has posted live Instagram videos of his staff ASSEMBLING plc light fixtures in the warehouse. I watched along with others. I saw bent parts not used poorly made parts being discarded or returned. Normal assembly of parts and components into a fixture with parts made by others.
Greengeenes has posted live Instagram videos of his staff ASSEMBLING plc light fixtures in the warehouse. I watched along with others. I saw bent parts not used poorly made parts being discarded or returned. Normal assembly of parts and components into a fixture with parts made by others.

But that's american quality!
Was not trashing anyone. Assembling parts into fixtures is not dishonest or amy way demeaning. They do not make anything they buy and assemble into a fixture parts by others. No shame in that unless you are being dishonest. Custom motorcycles are made the same by some folks not custom just parts assembled into what they want. No difference here. No insult just observation. Why ask if you don't want to hear the answers not just the ones you want. I have no problems with. You know who I could care less. But I will not bow down to him or kiss his butt. He has to earn respect and his behavior indicates otherwise.
My reply was not directed at you.
Greengeenes has posted live Instagram videos of his staff ASSEMBLING plc light fixtures in the warehouse. I watched along with others. I saw bent parts not used poorly made parts being discarded or returned. Normal assembly of parts and components into a fixture with parts made by others.
Again...talking out of your ass about what you know nothing about. You are a follower of know nothing about me or my business. You were blocked and are but hurt. And you still follow from your personal account after being blocked for being consistently wrong and annoying...just as you are here. Stop talking about me and my business. You are a liar and spreading false information and attempted to deface. You are a coward that has to result to libel. You think you can spew false accusations and libel because you hide from behind a keyboard. You are a coward
Stop spreading libel and false information. Stop talking about me and my business.

Yes, lights do have to be assembled, that is part of the process...take away your false accusations and libel....and I'm not sure what your point is.

Things PLC designs, manufactures, or owns rights and mold/tooling to...
-Housings with built in reflectors and sink settings
-ETL certification
-Pick and place LED's on pcb's.
-Reflow LED's
-Wire assembly and prep
-Heat shrinking
-Power cord wiring and soldering to connectors
-All soldering for all wires and components
-Heatsink drilling and tapping
-Even our splayed sink version uses a custom splay angle to fit in our housing correctly and needed custom tooling.

And then of course the final assembly and testing under ETL inspected procedures. In addition to the multiple times a quarter we get random inspections of our parts and facility.

Not directly made/designed/owned by PLC...
-COB's and LED's (Bridgelux and CREE)
-Drivers (Meanwell)
-Heatsink forging and anodizing (yes...china)

There is nothing simply off the shelf other than the 2 base components that the system is designed around(COBs and driver). Everything else is custom designed and made. All components of the fixture are made and built the to the highest quality and standard. And at the end of the day are still underpricing everyone one else in the market and offer the best product possible.

Stop spreading false information about a business you know nothing about. You are spewing libel and think your actions have no consequence. You can even man up and make it slander by doing it in to use that keyboard shield.
Stop making false accusations without any backing whatsoever. Deal with your own product and stop spreading libel about me and my company. Your tactics show your cowardness and need to lie.
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They are trolls that have to defame and start libel in order to attack because I tell them when they are wrong. All their claims are 100% false and libel.

It's not there first time attempting this...

Don't sweat this shit gg.......... you build some of the best fixtures on the market. One of the few etl lights available, just sit back, laugh and enjoy the commercial sector friend......... life's too short