I would probably agree in part with what you’re saying but to blanket it that nobody actually needs it when it’s not a one solution fits all kind of situation that people find themselves in is a bit closed minded.
Hence why my advice changed once I knew he was using Atami coco.
I feed daily until at least 20% runoff. I use 11L pots to sustain 2-2.5ft tall plants.
I don’t pre buffer my coco, I’m like you in that respect that I just use my Base Nutes to start.
It’s only after around 3 weeks of nothing but veg nutes that I start seeing Ca def symptoms. It has nothing to do with the feeding frequency or volume it has more to do with the CEC and the fact that Coco tends to use Ca and release back K.
I find by increasing Ca and Mg levels In my feeds from that point on that it helps to stabilise the coco for longevity rather than applying a high EC of just CaMg product.
I also then increase Ca and Mg during PK usage as the elevated levels of Ca and Mg help to A) allow the uptake of P and K to be stress free and B) the additional Mg keeps my leaves green til the end.