PRE-HARVEST PHOTO'S 9Wks.(budporn)


bud9.jpgbud5.jpgbud2.jpgbud8.jpgbud7.jpgbud3.jpgbud4.jpgbud1.jpgThese are some shots flom My 9 week flowered lady. (NOTE: FOR EVERY ONE SAYING THEIR CAMERA PHONE SUCKS. SO DOES MINE. I JUST USED A MAGNIFIENG GLASS WITH THE CAMERAS LENS AND f'd with the settings slightly ..THERE YA GO :D !!!!:hump::hump::hump::hump:) Look at those images you'd think I had a 600$ camera :}
ENJOY! I will be harvesting in maybe 5 days that will be 75 days flowering I believe LEMME KNOW WHAT YA THINK :]


2 68 W CFL @2700k 4200 lumen each
2 23 W T-12 florescent Tubes@3000K 3800 lumen each
2 23 W CFL@3000K 1300 lumen each
2 (13 W<---I think)T-5 florescent tubes(1/4in by 1 foot long)@6500k 2200 Lumen each

130W equivalent of like over couple thousand watts I think I could double check I did the math once before if you'd like :D


lol at the 600$ picture looking comment. lol i'll show you what my nikon d90 - bud pics and we can compare cameras.. anyways nice buds. happen to have a picture of grow setup?


Active Member
I have flowered with around the same amount of cfls... i noticed that the addition of even a 150 w $20 hps (if you have the ventilation of course) yeilded much bigger denser buds. Looks tasty either way. Nice work!


@isecks - :D! I was tryng to imply sarcasm a bit but I guess i :failed: It is a HELL of a improvement in quality OVER regular phone camera quality though 100% clearer Its only a 2 Megapixel camera with 3x zoom for taking Id Photos. in one of its standard modes( how I got the close up shots) The other shots were taken through the 10x magnifier part of the mag Glass. They (while not better than your Nikon im sure :D !) are surprisingly clear. Tyfor the comments

Growdad- Ty much :] I thought about buying the HPS But Fact Is I'm Not in need of such Light. If I had maybe 3 - 4 plants -absolutely- the penetration is SOOO much better with HPS and yes bigger yeild is noticed with HPS and MH. But quality is something the genetics and strain give you along with care. So as It is a small grow I did not go with the HPS. PLUS the heat and ventilation is not too much of an option in my setup as you stated. ( hehe I bought a little portable storage closet from walmart for 20$ its measurements are PERFECT for a small grow)

The picture is the best I have of the current setup. The cabinet is 46 inches wide by 22 inches deep and roughly 5 feet in height comes with a canvas slip cover that with a dark sheet completely blocks out all outside light. The two 68 w lights hang perfectly centered with a y connector over the cola and a second y connector with the 2 23W lights hangs in front of the main cola WHile the 48 inch Tubes are standing verticallybehind the cola along the back of the closet with the two t-5's on either side so lighting is spread evenly from side to side front to back( although the light in the back is a bit more powerful I rotate the plant regularly) The fans are off to the side of the plant and oscilate on low the entire time the light is on but not when off. .. any questions? :D

This pic is from around 6 weeks or so I believe maybe 7


Well-Known Member
I have flowered with around the same amount of cfls... i noticed that the addition of even a 150 w $20 hps (if you have the ventilation of course) yeilded much bigger denser buds. Looks tasty either way. Nice work!
Please let us know where you got a $20 150w HPS??


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1142550View attachment 1142551View attachment 1142552View attachment 1142553View attachment 1142555View attachment 1142556View attachment 1142557View attachment 1142558These are some shots flom My 9 week flowered lady. (NOTE: FOR EVERY ONE SAYING THEIR CAMERA PHONE SUCKS. SO DOES MINE. I JUST USED A MAGNIFIENG GLASS WITH THE CAMERAS LENS AND f'd with the settings slightly ..THERE YA GO :D !!!!:hump::hump::hump::hump:) Look at those images you'd think I had a 600$ camera :}
ENJOY! I will be harvesting in maybe 5 days that will be 75 days flowering I believe LEMME KNOW WHAT YA THINK :]
75 days of flowering will probably be just enough to say that she was pretty much ready. Good job, good pics, I bet that shit smokes real nicey nice. :joint::mrgreen:


Thanks again Rom, Yes Indeed I do believe 75 will be JUST about right :]
Im looking forward to it for sure And Looking forward to posting some more pics for you all :} clone pics soon** :D