Pre-manufactured Grow Boxes


Well-Known Member
I have a grow box from hg, and it is a v3 400w hyrdo.
this is my first grow hyrdo. i find its hard to control the temps so i added some fans. the growth comapre to dirt is 1/3 of the time. you have to keep close eye on water levels and ph. i am doing well at this point just started flowering couple days ago. seed to flowering 6 weeks 15inches tall. ill let you know how it turns out.
Yes, please keep me posted via this string. I've had a negative experience thus far with HG, I hope yours is better.

This is my first attemp ever at growing, so I'm looking for as much input as possible.

If you don't mind me asking: how big is that thing? cost?


Well-Known Member
OK, so I got my seeds germ'in for my first grow. I took a trip to my hydro store today to buy a few lose ends that I'd overlooked. I bought a PPM meter and after reading the directions I was happy to learn that it's very simple to use. I have one question:

The meter is set to be calibrated at 1382 ppm and comes with a solution which is 1382...fine.

After reading a little futher I saw that the meter should read 1382 @ 77 degrees F, and there's a chart showing what the meter should read at what tempature. So my question is what's the best way to know the temp of the solution that I'm calibrating in? Is it safe to assume that if the room is 75 degrees the solution will also be 75? Or, do I need to break down and buy a thermometer for liquid?

Please help, I'm determined to make this first grow a success!!!

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Please no "I told you so's, you should have DIY" I'm very aware that I could have made something much better with less money. I've known this from the start!! I purchased this box because I have zero space, zero time, and zero patiance. I currently live in a 10 by 12 room with two roommates in NYC. I don't have the means to build anything!!

What I could really use know is some help with what I've got...anyone?!?!?

Don't worry Jay, your in good hands here... and no "I told you
it isn't that buying growsystem
is a bad thing...

Buying a bad system is a bad thing...

but if that system would have preformed they way it is led to be
, you would have been on your way... simply you got played man.. but hey it's a learning experience
.. no?

Getting the ppm meter is a great idea... and
believe me or not.. Im still waiting to get one... In the mean time I have been going with the "feel your way through"
method... Things will be so much easier
once I get a ppm meter...

Check out my thread... I'm sure you can pick up a few good ideas and tips.. both from my
successes and mistakes..

If you get a camera and post pics, we will be able to help you better as well....

Also... Start a new thread, and give us the link here to your new "grow journal" and let the fun begin =]

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
By the way... a friend gave me this myspace link... He bought a pc system from here and claims it was great, and the guy who makes them is very helpful... - Grow Your Own - 34 - Male - Sin City, Nevada -

He starts his ad with....

No ya don't get the monitor too, nice try though! of actual unit in action to your left,.. but first off...

*PROBLEM: To date all PC grow cases on the market are only around 17 inches tall. Its extremely hard to grow a high yielding plant in such a small case.
*SOLUTION: My case is 24" tall allowing for approximately 40% more room to grow your plants BIG while still remaining stealth.

*PROBLEM: All PC grow cases I've seen have there light fixed at the top of the case while your plant sits at the bottom and any experienced grower will tell you grow lights more then a few inches from the top of the plants is inefficient for growing. This causes your plant to screech for the light in an already height restricted area resulting in unmanageable overgrowth. Also a plant that stretches for light will have less nodes per branch resulting in less yield. (nodes are where all plant yield forms)
*SOLUTION: My case offers an adjustable shelf to get your plants close to the light source while there young so they grow fuller which maximizes output later . Once your plants are tall enough the shelf can then be placed above the plant to act as a screen to keep branches from growing into the light. No other PC grow case offers this.

*PROBLEM: Most grow boxes on the market come with one big expensive light, but plants benefit from different light colors during different stages of development. During vegetative stage plants like lights that offer a color temperature of 6500 Kelvin, this color is bright white and best represents summer light. During flowering stage they like color temperature of 2700 Kelvin which represent fall light which along with the right light cycle tells plants it's time to flower.
*SOLUTION: Two sets of four lights. One set of four 6500K bulbs for vegetative stage and one set of four 2700K bulbs for flowering stage. By having four smaller lights equal to one big bulb, replacing the inevitable blown bulb is cheaper and your plants will never be completely without light. If a bulb blows just run to Wal-Mart and buy a replacement for a few bucks as apposed to ordering one of those big expensive Enviro or HPS bulbs while your plants die in the dark.

*PROBLEM: All PC grow cases on the market today try to impress you with there high priced hydroponics grow systems. Hydroponics is a great way to grow plants but not in such a small area. The smaller the hydro tank the harder it is to keep pH levels balanced and improperly balanced pH can kill a plant in days and even slightly off pH levels can dramatically affect yield.
*SOLUTION: For a grow of this size soil is the only way to go and offers much less complication. If you opt for the additional Fox Farm Soil and Fertilizer Nutrient Pack you'll receive Fox Farm soil and organic fertilizers for not only the vegetative stage but also the flowering stage to help you grow completely organic healthy high yield plants.

*PROBLEM: Other PC case grow boxes on the market look cooler then mine.
*SOLUTION: There need be no solution! Do you really think it's a good idea to have a PC grow case with a see through plexiglass side or for that matter any case so cool looking it attracts attention?

The sad truth is other PC grow case makers don't really care about your plants or they would have addressed these easily correctable issues. They cram there cases full of product you don't need to grow that sound or look cool just to jack up the final sale price. Don't give these greedy sellers $500-$900 of your hard earned money. I'm not going to lie I want your money too, but I want a reasonable amount for what I believe to be the most innovative and functional stealth PC grow case on the market today.


Well-Known Member
You can grow small plants that will yield 1/2 Oz or more each, look at this pic of a shorter strain that is just 1 main cola. Plant is about 16 inches tall and almost ready to harvest after 8 weeks, it should yield about 1/2 OZ as cola is about 4 inches across at the base and 12 inches tall.



Well-Known Member
You can grow small plants that will yield 1/2 Oz or more each, look at this pic of a shorter strain that is just 1 main cola. Plant is about 16 inches tall and almost ready to harvest after 8 weeks, it should yield about 1/2 OZ as cola is about 4 inches across at the base and 12 inches tall.
Thanks for the pic - great looking plants. Unfortunately I only have about 10" of height before the plants touch the light.

Do you think you could've yeilded more by using the tie down method and use some of that horizontal space? Just looking for different opinions...


Well-Known Member
I would scrog to take advantage of all the space... just check my link.. my micro grow is going to be scroged... I have a bit more space then you, but you will get the idea.. go to the last page of my grow... link in my sig.

Thanks, Wolfman

I did read your string in detail and I'm a bit envious!! Seriously, it looks like you got a good handle on it and I was hoping you could check out my journal below and offer some input.



Active Member
My experinece with hg has been mixed. i got what i ordered, they left out airstones called they sent couple weeks. customer service if its they guy is not much, the girl is better. 3ft tall 30 inch wide 16 deep. 794.00 i also got the dryer. i have three girls 10days flowering. sytem works pretty good but air flow and temp is a chanllenge at times.