The other side of predator


Not such a bad guy afterall

I'm a big fan of Red Heat too. Doesn't get as much play, but I love his shitty fake sounding Russian accent thats clearly still Austrian.
The End of Days was pretty good too.

(Arnold to the Devil) - "You're a fucking choirboy compared to me! A choirboy!"

That was one of my favorite lines when I used to prank Arnold soundboard phones.

Another personal favorite: "Well I hope you left enough room for my fist, because I'm gonna ram it into your stomach, and break your goddamn spine!"
Is an excellent movie for sure. I'm old enough to have seen it in the theater the first time it came out. Was a fucking blast. Nothing like watching Arnold tear shit up on the big screen!
Snuck in to see that one when I was 14.

Seven of us little shits would chip in for a ticket to whatever movie we were old enough to see at the showcase cinema. Send the kid with the ticket money in, then when the coast was clear pop the exit door for the waiting gang to slip in. hahhaa the good old days.
