I don't think this will be the case, OP. The Federal gov't seems to be losing their power over the masses more and more each year. Consider a few points; almost half the populace no longer pays income tax, less and less people show up to vote for the president of the USA, States are making their own laws that fly in the face of the Fed (i.e. marijuana legalization/decriminalization), people are trending toward less religion and church attendance is dwindling steadily (that's not the Fed, but a similar phenomena), and they are legalizing conceal carry and citizens arming themselves, etc.. The first step toward a dictatorship is to disarm the populace, not arm them. These trends say to me that people are moving away from the concept of external authority, so the ground is becoming less fertile for the uprising of a dictatorship. Plus, as long a the US has all the nukes we do, we will always be a world power...