As someone who still wake and bakes decently regularly may o know why you stopped? Family? Productivity? Mental clarity? Don't want to be dependent? Do you find it drains you?
I admit that days I wake and bake are days that tend to be quite hazey both literally and figuratively. I either feel Desire to maintain the high or I feel lack of energy once big dissipates
I'm 66 years old. Been smoking weed fairly regularly since the late 60's. I just don't want to be stoned all day. I got out of the habit a long time ago. When I'm working I need most of my mental faculties. The last few years I've been using it medically, so tolerance breaks are now out of the question.
To be completely honest, if I'm camping or backpacking or something like that, once in a great while I'll puff before noon.
EDIT: I see you asked a cannabudder question. Here's my rambling manifesto. I also use a variation of the crockpot method.
I'ts important to use a crockpot with 3 temperature settings. WARM LOW HIGH, not 2 settings.(The low on a 2 temp crockpot is usually too high for cannabis. THC begins to vaporize at a relatively low temperature, albeit not that much. You're going to lose a little THC anyway, just trying to keep it to a minimum.) For 1 lb. of unsalted butter, I add about 25 oz. water and the cannabis. The amount of cannabis will vary according to "taste", so to speak. At the end of this post, I'll put down the amounts I use.
If using, fresh cannabis, you will have to de-carb. De-carbing also occurs naturally over a period of time. I store my buds in the dark in the basement. I store my trim & popcorn nugs upstairs where it gets hot in the summer and usually make budder out of 18-24 month old trim, popcorn nugs, and tops I couldn't vape or give away. That way I don't have to de-carb. When I do, it's grind the cannabis, spread it on a cookie sheet, and put it in the oven at appx. 210F for 20-30 minutes depending on how old it is.
Put the butter in the crockpot and start to melt it on HIGH for about 20 minutes, then turn it down to LOW until the butter melts, grind up the trim or tops (I use a coffee grinder), and add the ground cannabis and water to the crock pot. Leave it on LOW for an hour and then turn it down to WARM for about 10 more hours, stirring it every hour or two. If you forget to stir it for 5 or 6 hours, no big deal really. Sometimes, I'll turn it back up to LOW for the last half hour or so. I tried using the 24 hour crockpot method for a while but found out that long of a time isn't really necessary.
Turn off the heat, let the mix cool for about a half hour to an hour or so and then strain the mixture through cheesecloth into a 4 cup glass pyrex dish or suitable equivalent. ( I line a strainer with the cheesecloth and then use a ladle to get the mix out of the crockpot). Use a potato ricer to get the excess butter out of the spent mash or if (unlike me) you're young and don't have arthritis yet, just squeeze it out.
Throw the mash away. Put the water / budder mix in the fridge overnight. In the morning, green budder will be floating on top of the water. Remove the budder, a steak knife and tongs work, melt the budder slowly until liquid, pour it into containers (I use those little round plastic containers available on the food storage aisle at the grocery store. They hold a "cube" of budder) and put them back in the fridge. If I'm not going to use them right away, I put them in the freezer. I regularly use thawed cannabudder that's been in the freezer for 2 or more years with no ill effects.
As far as the amount of cannabis to use goes, you can almost use as much or as little as you'd like. I've used between an ounce and a quarter pound of cannabis to a pound of butter.
Top buds: 1-2 oz.
popcorn buds: 1.5 - 3 oz.
vaped weed: 2-4 oz.
I usually end up with about 13 oz. of cannabudder after starting with a pound of butter