Preflower Help!

Brett Brown

Active Member
I'm glad we got that cleared up and I am glad you were not offended. anyway I am using that larger bulb and it doesn't get very hot in fact I think it stays cooler than the small ones because it has more tubing area to cool off so it stays cool enough to touch and not have to take your fingers off anyway and the little ones are burning just as hot with a much smaller area of glass to cool down so they get hotter than the large ones, I believe!. I think if you wanted to go with a larger bulb then you would probably do fine and keep the smaller ones on the bottom as you said. That is just an opinion not a fact so don't take my advise I am just a rookie at this but all I was pointing out was that I think they stay very cool concidering how large they are! So if you get one and your house burns down, don't blame me. lol. Also as I said above I am a rookie so if I have any questions later can I put you down as a contact in case I need to ask you any questions. it's ok if you turn down the contact i know there are alot of weirdo's out there so i wouldn't be offended. Thank You for all your help take care and happy growing, BB2112!!!


Active Member
yeah thats no problem. You can ask me anything you'd like, and I'll answer as best I can. I've only been growing for a few years and am obviously still learning, but I have a good grasp on what works for me and what should be avoided. I look forward to hearing from you in the future


Active Member
If anyone could help me out here I wanted to know, On a rainy day or cloudy day would it be better to keep the plant inside under a cfl or outside?
In my opinion, it's up to you whether you want to bring it in or not. Rainwater is great to water with, though a heavy rain could batter and damage you're plant. Even on overcast days, light from the sun still get through those clouds. I wish I could bring my plants outside to get some sunshine and rainwater whenever I wanted, but she seems happy enough living in my closet.

Brett Brown

Active Member
ok, that's good to know and thanks for answering all these question's and I will be in touch. So if i gathered rain water in a bucket, etc. it would be good to use? well I am sorry your plant doesn't get to see the sun and it really grows that well just off the lights (cfl's) you don't use any metal halide or anything brighter? well then I guess that is a good thing then I know mine is getting plenty of light, with the sun and the lights. Why can't you put yours out in the sun? you must live in one of those communist statesor in another country, cause I live in california which if i had a whole backyard of plants they would probably frown on that but I have copters flying overhead and they never hassle me for one little plant, well she 's not so little anymore but, also I have a medical card and we are allowed to have a few plants on a state level but it is still not cool with the feds but they won't hassle it for one or two plants. it's not like i am going to flood the market with my little yeild I will get from one plant. lol. Anyway you take care and thanks for all your help, It is much appreciated!!!!!! BB2112!!


Active Member
I live in a non medical marijuana state in New England, it's not so progressive around here. They treat bud the same as crack. I was pinched for possesion last year cause they found some resin in a grinder, didn't even have a bag on me. $200 fine and 120 hours community service for keif at the bottem of a damn grinder!

And yes, I use only CFL's. No HID lights for me yet, though I would LOVE a HPS setup for flowering.
The plants will love the rainwater, how much purer can you get. What kind of nutrients do you feed you're plant?

Brett Brown

Active Member
Wow, That's pretty harsh, How did they find that? man that is insane!!!!!! does thast go on your record as drug possesion? Sorry to hear that!!! Anyway I used fox farms with worm castings(soil) nutes: liquid karma and miracle grow plant food!!!!!! Another thing is now that you have told me that you have done fine with just the cfl's then I am not going to bother with a metal halide or hps(To expensive). BB2112!


Active Member
They found it when they searched my car. A rookie cop's first night on the job, wanted his big drug bust. Since I paid the fine, did the community service and attended the fifteen week "drug education" course (the classes consisted of myself, two other stoners and 15 or so heroin addicts), the possesion charge was wiped off my record.

The soil and plant food should do nicely for you, Fox Farm is some of the best. CFL's are good for an adaquate yeild, but you'll notice much fatter buds in the end if you flower with HPS lighting. Though, nothing is better then the sunlight.

Brett Brown

Active Member
That's what I said!! but I have heard that HPS lighting is much better for flowering but I don't need that much. Maybe later after I get better at growing and I have learned alot on this grow(1st) alone. I guess the best way to say it is When I don't have to ask anyone any question's about growing then maybe I will go out and buy the best stuff to grow with. Other than that this is fine. I can tell the difference since I first put the CFL on the plant it has grown much faster and I think she is starting to start it's flowering stage. I am seeing much more of those little preflowers and white hairs are getting more plentiful only at the nodes and new growths and the plant seems to be stretching at the colas.
Anyway I'm glad that didn't go on your permanent record that would have been really bad. that would stay around forever. I don't know why they don't make it like alcohol and just tax it and sell it at 7/11 or other places where you would buy alcohol or have their own store whatever but I don't think it is as bad as alcohol, I see many more worse things happen to people that drink than with pot, I mean health wise for one it doesn't trash your organs like alcohol but that's legal and how many calls do the police get for battering a wife or kid because of alcohol and how many kids get ignored because of their parents because they are drunks. to me it is all about choice I mean if it were leagalised. I don't think alot of people who are 40 plus are going to start smoking pot just because it is legal and they sure as hell are not going to start doing heroin because they smoke a joint a gateway drug, I don't think so. I think I would rather have a guy driving on pot than on alcohol at least you still have your senses and you don't black out when you smoke. I still think driving is easier when you are stoned rather than drunk!!! Even though I don't do either and drive but when I was younger I did and I know one thing alcohol certainly got me in more trouble than pot. I believe that pot should definetely be legal if they let alcohol stay legal then they should allow pot , It is simply that simple!!! Well I don't want to go off on a rant but that's my opinion and probably everyone's on here!!!!lol but I think someday they will just let it be legal. I mean it's gone this far!!!! I guess we will have to wait and see. Take it easy and take care and thanks for your letters and help. C-YA, BB2112


Active Member

Remember, when you see preflowers on your plant this is a sign of sexual maturity. She won't actually start to flower until her light schedule changes to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark (12/12 light schedule). She'll just keep vegging and getting bigger until there is enough darkness. Also remember, she's gonna wanna s t r e t c h when you change the light schedule. So keep in mind that when you put her into flower, she's gonna get about three times larger.

Brett Brown

Active Member
So If I veg her to about 3 feet it will get to be about 9 feet tall? even if it is in a 5 gallon bucket ? Also she is starting to get alot more veggitation along the stems colas whatever but much smaller leaves like clusters and it is really getting full of leaves smamller than before even after they open up after a new node opens up the leaves used to get huige now they get to be about 3 inches and they used to get to about 4 inches and then the ones in the clusters on the stems or colas are only about an inch or 1-1/2 in size and then at the end of the stem where the new nodes are growing they are gettinmg to the 3 inch size and they are 7 tips on the leaves instead of when they used to be only % tips to the leaves but bigger these are smaller by about an inch but have more fingers and some have six fingers and at the very bottom alot of them are really small and only have 3 fingers to each leaf!! Is this a sign of anything the large amount of veggitation and the leaves are getting smaller and then down the stems I am getting clusters of veggitation and smaller leaves like 1 inch or 1-1/2 inches but alot of them. and they sometimes have new small nodes growing out of them and some of them are turning into what look like they would be great clones. but is it too late to clone this plant because it is ready to start the flowering stage or if i clone it will it go back to the beginning or continue from the stage it is at? Sorry so long but i have been trying to find someone to answer this clone question for a long time but noone wants to answer it!!!! Thank you and if you could answer any or all that would be awesome expecially about the clone because I don't have anymore seeds so I will have to buy some or will I get any seeds at all if she does not get pollenated? will it be seed free or will I get a few seeds? and if it gets pollinated by acident I will get seeds correct? Sorry I just keep ramblin on!!!! Talk to you soon and thanks alot. you have helped me so much, it great, I am almost able to heklp a few people. after this grow I should know quite a bit. C-YA, BRETT!!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
View attachment 1639244View attachment 1639242View attachment 1639364

Remember, when you see preflowers on your plant this is a sign of sexual maturity. She won't actually start to flower until her light schedule changes to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark (12/12 light schedule). She'll just keep vegging and getting bigger until there is enough darkness. Also remember, she's gonna wanna s t r e t c h when you change the light schedule. So keep in mind that when you put her into flower, she's gonna get about three times larger.
Are those picts of your plant? and she loks like she is starting to flower for sure right? So when i change the light to 12/12 it will start stretching fast and then get those hairs on the end of the stem when it has reached it's full length!!! looks nice Thanks, BRETT!!!!!.


Active Member
Yes, those are pics of my plant. She's perdy lolz. That's what early flowering looks like, and she still has yet to reach full height.
Ur plant sounds like it's very mature, slowed growth and lesser leaf formation is to be expected. She sounds ready for you to change the light schedule whenever you're ready.
A plant vegged to three feet is gonna get huge. You'll get those white hairs when she starts to flower, if she hasen't started pushing them out already with preflowers. I grow in a 5 gallon hydro bubble bucket, and I'm already pushing three ft.

It's not too late to clone, you have not started to flowering stage yet.
Are you aware of any male plants around? I guess living in California you never really know whats growing outside. You might get some seeds, but unless there's a male around, you should have a relatively seedless harvest.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Again thank you, that was excellent, I don't think there is anyone growing outside around here it is a pretty slow part of town and alot of older people and across the street alot of apartments which could have some plants but probably , most definetely inside if there are. It hasn't been pollenated yet and it has been outside everyday since Jan, 10th or so. So I think I am ok unless someone brings one into maturity and screws me. I am probably fine though. at least for 4 houses away on eachside and across the street about 4 apartment buldings long. and behind us is the next street so I have a property that goes street to street from front to back so I am surrounded with what is probably no growing. So when I change the light schedule from 24/0 to 12/12 she will start flowering and do I keep her outside for the 12hours in the day? or do I put her under the lights? Or will she bud better with regular sunlight?
Next I have the preflowers and there are a few white hairs but not those long ones on your plant. I have the ones that come out at every new node that pops up from the end of the colas and some on the stems at about a 1/4 inch long but they have been coming out since the beginning after she was cloned the first time. So those are just for pollenation right? and then they turn brown or redish shade and so do the preflowers as it grows and then they go away and then the new growth that comes in has the hairs again and on and on!!!!
next: so it is cool to clone: I din't clone the first one myself really, I cut it and peeled the end off and dipped it in the gel and he brought over a a clean jar and took it back to his house and I think dipped it again in the gel and and then put it in his easy cloner till it got roots and then he put it in the rock wool and gave it back to me, then I planted it and have taken care of it since. It looked easy enough and I have watched video's (many: on how to do it without the easy cloner (because my friend had to move for work, too far away to use the easy cloner) So I can just put it in a rock wool sponge and the only thing i really don't understand is the dome. they said i need a dome and to spray it and they were not very specific on if it was supposed to get sunlight or just light from a regular bulb or the lights that i have now but that I was supposed to put it in a dome (clear) for the light to get in ( didn't specify what kind of light!! and only that I needed to spray it every 4 hours or so and leave it out of the dome for air to circulate but then they didn't specify how long in the dome and how long in the air. so the specifics are what I need if you know and don't mind telling me then that would be fantastic. I need all the specifics. and how humid do you want the dome when the plant is in there. because they said the ph balane but one guy said that wasn't that important just as long as she got water and I kept the leaves wet but I tried it once on my own and it got too wet and these little fly larva I guess in the soil were too wet and hatched and it had these little white worms about 1/4 inch long and really thin at first I thought they were roots but then I looked closer and I saw them move and I guess they were eating the roots. so I guess you can't HAVE IT TOO WET.!!!!!! Or too HUMID? well Thank You so much and I hope to hear from you soon!!!! Take care and talk to you later. Brett!!! oh and he also said that it didn't matter where I took the clone and one guy on a video said take it from the top and another guy told me it was ok to take it from the bottom. So again another specifics, "thing", C-YA!!!


Active Member
just not enough light for it. if its still in veg and you dont know what pre-flowers look like, how do you know its a girl? unless you see a bunch of pod like structures or just like two pods (they look like grapes or upside down banana bunches), then it is in fact a girl.


Active Member
Putting her outside for 12 hours, then putting her in a closet for 12 would be ideal. You would have to be very consistent in you're timing though, as inconsistent light schedules could delay flowering. worst case senerio it can stress a plant and cause it to go hermie. Also make sure that her dark time is DARK, like can't see you're hand a foot in front of you're face dark. I have my lights on timers that go on at 10am and off at 10pm.

Think of the development of you're lady plant like a real person. As a little girl is growing up, you can tell she is a girl even though she isnt reproductivly developed yet, and can't yet create seeds. Those are the preflowers. As a woman gets older and develops all those good lady parts for reproduction, this is like the flowering stage as the plant has developed enough to accept pollination and make seeds. You're female plant pumps out resin and THC to get pollen to stick to her.

I don't do very much cloning. The few that I have done, I just put in my hydro medium (garden-cover rocks, marbles and sphagnum moss) with a drop of superthrive in a non-draining container. Once they start showing roots, they go into my veg bubblers.
cloneiii.jpgThere's a couple more pics in my journal if you wanna check them out.

For the dome, I'll cut a 2ltr bottle in half and use the top part (cap off) to put over the cuttings.
humiditydome.jpgI found this pic on google. It looks simple and would work well, and you wouldnt have to worry about opening and closing the dome all the time. If you use new soil from the store, you won't have to worry about critter eggs being in there. For cloning, try to find an inert medium since clones are easily nute burned. You'll know if there's enough humidity if little droplets of water form on the inside of dome. If they don't form, cover the opening either with the cap of the bottle (just placed on top, not screwed on) or saran wrap. Every few hours, take the cover off for a few minutes to let fresh air in.

At this point, warmth and humidity are more important then the amount of light they get. They'll have enough light sitting under the mother plant. I like to put them in a window sill that doesnt get direct sunlight.

Do you have a pic of the preflowers?

Brett Brown

Active Member
Yes I do have the pre-flower picts just took them there were bigger ones but they dry up after a new node comes in and then these start coming out and then they get about 3/8 of an inch long or maybe a little less!!IMG_3870.jpg but they come out really straight and really white the little broken off stem to the right of the picture was where it was topped and it is just starting to come back to growing in really quick. it stopped the growth for a few days but now it is getting back to normal. Anyway I like the picts of the little domes yeah! that seems alot simpler than the one that I have and that 2 liter bottle is a great idea! I will look in your journal and check out the other picts. One other thing is that bowl of marbles and you have water filled up to the marbles, so after you cut the clone you strip the outside covering of the plant on one side by peeling it off when you peel off your node just above the cut off to expose the inner section and then dip it into the cloning gel and then just put the cuttings into the water between the marbles and you keep it constantly wet? and spray mist the leaves or don't need to? and then you put the whole bowl into the dome? See these are the things they don't explain on the videos of how to do the clone the little specifics. that's what i need so it will work. the clone i did with my friend we had the easy cloner but I don't have access to that anymore because he moved for work way far away. So now I don't have the easy cloner and i need to know the easiest way without spending the money to get an easy cloner and I don't need anything fancy just productive or useful. ONE THAT WORKS!!!!!LOL!!! HA! HA! that's what i need yeah one of those thingy's that works not all this dome and shit that makes me crazy and then doesn't work. OH and as far as the soil I used a potting mix not fox farms i was out but just a miracle grow potting mix not potting soil, it was a brand new bag and that's when I got the fly larva! when I googled the worms it says that most soil farms can't keep the soil completely clean of the eggs but they will only hatch if it is really damp like standing water and humid just like my clone was in that stupid dome that cost not too much but really sucked and no one told me how to use it just the basics, like take the dome off about 4 times a day and let it stay under the light but not all the time not put it in there for 10 minutes and then give it 5 minutes of air and then water it untill the water comes out the bottom then stick it back into the dome for 4 hours and , that kind of factuall information that I cvan use to make it work sure if you know what you are doing all the specifics are not important because they are in your head and that is how people explain how to do things when they tell you how to do something new because they allready know what they are doing so they cut out the times and the lighting and all the important info except for you, you are very clear and very factuall. That is what I like. I like to do things correctly the very first time like measure twice cut once. So thank you hope the picture is good enough if not I will take another one tomorrow when they are longer and really perky, the pre-flowers!!! Thank you, BRETT!!


Active Member
Here's some pics of the bottle top humidity dome I made. I don't strip the outer covering of the stem off the cutting nor do I don't dip it in anything. I just cut them off the mother, cut the lower leaves and branches off, then stick them into the marbles. I fill the water up to the level of the medium (a clear container makes this much easier) and let the water level drop about an inch. I then pour out all the water I can without spilling the rocks out, and top off with new water. The cycle runs about three days or so. Depending on air circulation in the dome, the cycle may run a bit longer. Though, like I said, I don't clone much, I just like to save anything I cut off my plant when pruning. Pretty much anything over 4inches or so. Waste not and all that. I expect to lose a few anyway.

If you see water droplets forming on the inside of the dome, you shouldn't have to spray the leaves very much. Give them a spray like once a day before bedtime. If there is enough condensation built up, you can just give the dome a hard tap and you'll make it rain.

Come to think of it, couldn't hurt to run some bubbles in there too with a lil airstone and teeny aquarium air pump.

Brett Brown

Active Member
ok, awesome thanks, I will try that and see how I do. How long are your cuttings? are they over 5 inches or under? Do they have to be from the top of the plant or is that B.S.?


Active Member
Those are my ornamentals. They just sit around and look pretty, not ment for growing big. They are about 3 inches, about a half an inch into the medium. Literally, anything you cut off the plant (a top or a branch, doesnt matter) with stem and a few nodes can be cloned. Some people use micro cloning and use pieces of the stem or root to grow another plant, but that's way above my head but still freeking facinating! lol

Brett Brown

Active Member
Hello, how are you today? A gloomy day today, No sun yet but it is still kind of humid out so she is outside baking in that muck. Anyway, Yes it is facinating, It is a very lively plant it wants to suceed and grow. I have learned alot from you and other and I have read alot about it too and It is a facinating plant (weed) but it has qualities that other plants don't and Thats why it was so popoular for everthing back along time ago. clothing paper etc, Anyway so I can make another plant from a cutting as small as 2-1/2 inches or less? then I ned to because I don't want to have to buy any seeds and I have a good strain here so I want to replicate her exactly not her seeds if she has any but if she does then I will of course use them waste not. as you said. So I am going to try that today or tomorrow, So you think rock wool sponges as the best medium since I don't have an easy cloner?Or will that marble thing work as far as growing a new plant? and that dmoe that you showed me. what was the bottom container like a sour cream container? and then a 2 liter coke bottle top? and that should make me a new plant should I use the cloning gel? For someone who doesn't make alot of clones you sound as if you know alot about it!!!! thanks again for the letter and the help. take care, Brett!