Pregnancy and Pot

My friend smoked everyday when she was pregnant and the baby came out healthy no problems.

My opinion It would be fine every once and while, but i'm no doc.

On the other hand I had an acquittance I knew who did Opiates weekly and her child was born with Down Syndrome.
Smoke, don't smoke, just don't circumcise.
Let the kid decide for himself if he wants to cut off the end of his cock.

Uncircumcised means you have to pay careful attention to cleaning in the shower. If a kid forgets to for a week or two, boom infection.

Also it tears easily if you have dry skin.

To OP, I would say better safe than sorry. There simply are not enough studies out there on MJ use during preg.

I am preg and will not smoke until I am done breastfeeding.

Best thing to do is go as natural as possible. Clean living. And don't forget the prenatal vitamins. =)
Uncircumcised means you have to pay careful attention to cleaning in the shower. If a kid forgets to for a week or two, boom infection.

Also it tears easily if you have dry skin.

To OP, I would say better safe than sorry. There simply are not enough studies out there on MJ use during preg.

I am preg and will not smoke until I am done breastfeeding.

Best thing to do is go as natural as possible. Clean living. And don't forget the prenatal vitamins. =)

I have two boys who are uncircumcised. My doctors told me it was dangerous to have them pull back their foreskin as it can become trapped back and then they may need emergency surgery. They have never pulled back and never had any issues with infection. Most people don't realize circumcision began out of necessity back in a time when certain cultures were desert dwellers and sand sometimes got in a baby foreskin and caused infections. They did not live in the sanitary conditions we have available to us today so there was a need for circumcision back then. Ultimately, it's up to you of course but it's not something you can undo. I know grown men who are pretty unhappy they were not given the opportunity to choose for themselves. If I were a guy, I certainly would like the opportunity to make decisions regarding my own genitalia. By the way, best of luck and I am in no way making any judgement, just hoping to pass on my experience and knowledge on the subject. All the best to you and your new baby:)
fucking genetalia are being sliced up in this thread now, safer than aspirin or tylenol but yeah your baby deserves what u can give if u can help it, no smoking even the majical healing herb I guess
I have two boys who are uncircumcised. My doctors told me it was dangerous to have them pull back their foreskin as it can become trapped back and then they may need emergency surgery. They have never pulled back and never had any issues with infection. Most people don't realize circumcision began out of necessity back in a time when certain cultures were desert dwellers and sand sometimes got in a baby foreskin and caused infections. They did not live in the sanitary conditions we have available to us today so there was a need for circumcision back then. Ultimately, it's up to you of course but it's not something you can undo. I know grown men who are pretty unhappy they were not given the opportunity to choose for themselves. If I were a guy, I certainly would like the opportunity to make decisions regarding my own genitalia. By the way, best of luck and I am in no way making any judgement, just hoping to pass on my experience and knowledge on the subject. All the best to you and your new baby:)
My baby is a girl.

My husband is uncircumcised. He wants our son (when we have one) to be circumcised.

The foreskin moved back over the head during intercourse. The only reason the foreskin would become stuck behind the head is from infection, cuts (which make the skin tighten as it heals) and dry skin. Even then as long as the penis isn't hard you can move the head back in.

If they can't pull their foreskin back to clean, then the must have to put their fingers up in there to clean. Just a weird thing to hear a doctor say.. Unless they have issues with a tight foreskin already.
My baby is a girl.

My husband is uncircumcised. He wants our son (when we have one) to be circumcised.

The foreskin moved back over the head during intercourse. The only reason the foreskin would become stuck behind the head is from infection, cuts (which make the skin tighten as it heals) and dry skin. Even then as long as the penis isn't hard you can move the head back in.

If they can't pull their foreskin back to clean, then the must have to put their fingers up in there to clean. Just a weird thing to hear a doctor say.. Unless they have issues with a tight foreskin already.

My understanding is that babies and children have tight foreskin that is not easily slid back over the head until they reach age of sexual maturity. I saw this was the case with my own two children and again, they are perfectly clean and healthy without any extra care to the area. My brother was uncircumcised until adulthood. He chose himself to get it done in his late twenties to please his wife. In the end, he felt he lost a lot of sensitivity and wishes he didn't make that decision. Nice that you are having a girl, I have three beautiful nieces but will never know the joy of a daughter. Congrants to you and your husband, do you have a name for her yet?
My understanding is that babies and children have tight foreskin that is not easily slid back over the head until they reach age of sexual maturity. I saw this was the case with my own two children and again, they are perfectly clean and healthy without any extra care to the area. My brother was uncircumcised until adulthood. He chose himself to get it done in his late twenties to please his wife. In the end, he felt he lost a lot of sensitivity and wishes he didn't make that decision. Nice that you are having a girl, I have three beautiful nieces but will never know the joy of a daughter. Congrants to you and your husband, do you have a name for her yet?
Yeah the teens is when you gotta be extra cleanly. All the excitement and what not.

We are naming her Esther.
Uncircumcised means you have to pay careful attention to cleaning in the shower. If a kid forgets to for a week or two, boom infection.

Also it tears easily if you have dry skin.

To OP, I would say better safe than sorry. There simply are not enough studies out there on MJ use during preg.

I am preg and will not smoke until I am done breastfeeding.

Best thing to do is go as natural as possible. Clean living. And don't forget the prenatal vitamins. =)

oh please, what kid is going to forget to play around with his cock? its a non existent issue. leave the cock alone and let him decide for himself.
I have two boys who are uncircumcised. My doctors told me it was dangerous to have them pull back their foreskin as it can become trapped back and then they may need emergency surgery. They have never pulled back and never had any issues with infection. Most people don't realize circumcision began out of necessity back in a time when certain cultures were desert dwellers and sand sometimes got in a baby foreskin and caused infections. They did not live in the sanitary conditions we have available to us today so there was a need for circumcision back then. Ultimately, it's up to you of course but it's not something you can undo. I know grown men who are pretty unhappy they were not given the opportunity to choose for themselves. If I were a guy, I certainly would like the opportunity to make decisions regarding my own genitalia. By the way, best of luck and I am in no way making any judgement, just hoping to pass on my experience and knowledge on the subject. All the best to you and your new baby:)

People get infected everything. Chopping off a body part to prevent infection seems pretty stupid.
They actualy did a study in jamaica, there was no significant detriment to the children, and in some respects they were better off than the other group. Sadly the mothers also use tobacco daily, so itshard to get to the clear effects.. you can google it.

I'm like your baby's daddy, except I won't let her get into pot smoke, my house is big so I have a nice ventilated place with my PC and indoor BBQ. She is a little over 8 months old, never been sick for a minute.
They actualy did a study in jamaica, there was no significant detriment to the children, and in some respects they were better off than the other group. Sadly the mothers also use tobacco daily, so itshard to get to the clear effects.. you can google it.

I'm like your baby's daddy, except I won't let her get into pot smoke, my house is big so I have a nice ventilated place with my PC and indoor BBQ. She is a little over 8 months old, never been sick for a minute.
we covered that study ....3 times :p someone didnt read the thread :p
if mommy gets high baby gets high. and cannabis has been shown to inhibit connections in the brain in kids under 16 years. and even if that were untrue i would rather be safe than sorry. like nancy said, just say no.
yeah, I also don't like the idea, which iswhy I make sure not to expose my daughter. Wife is a non-user.

P.S. I was circumcised for medical reasons as a child (think I caught some infection or something. But outside of medical reasons I see it as a form of genital mutilation.