prepaid cards for attitude?


New Member
I want to order some seeds over at attitude, but a lot of cards i heard don't work and i do not have a credit card, anyone know what i can use that you are 100% sure will work


Active Member
They accept money order and you can buy a gift card, but you have to register the gift card...
Yeah the whole registering throws it off. Money order seems simple. If your order them send them to a friends house LOL


Well-Known Member
STOP.......before you get a card, it HAS to be the prepaid card with the green dot on the back, or it won't work for an international order. I put $400 on the wrong kind once, and had to spend it at the grocery store, and put another $400 on the right one to order a couple of years ago.....don't make my mistake!


Active Member
STOP.......before you get a card, it HAS to be the prepaid card with the green dot on the back, or it won't work for an international order. I put $400 on the wrong kind once, and had to spend it at the grocery store, and put another $400 on the right one to order a couple of years ago.....don't make my mistake!
Good info. :clap:


New Member
STOP.......before you get a card, it HAS to be the prepaid card with the green dot on the back, or it won't work for an international order. I put $400 on the wrong kind once, and had to spend it at the grocery store, and put another $400 on the right one to order a couple of years ago.....don't make my mistake!
with the green dot huh? i got a couple stickers, can i slap one on there?

Dr Derp

I like vanilla visas. Most of the ones I've found say something like "for domestic use only" or "only for use in the U.S." on the back of them. If you keep looking you should find some that don't say it. You do have to register through visa's website before you can use them online, but all you need is the zip code you plan on shipping to.


I tried ordering with a Vanilla Visa a few days ago and kept getting declined... after looking around I saw some notices about the US government having regulations put in place starting 4/1/2012 that prevents gift cards from the US being used on foreign websites. Anybody else able to actually complete an order with a Vanilla Visa since a couple of weeks ago? If so, I would love to know why mine still doesn't work and I have successfully followed this process 6+ times before.


Well-Known Member
Not so much... it's not just you can't use the gift cards from them, you just plain can't use gift cards internationally anymore.

i wouldnt use any kind of card that has your name, address, zip code, phone number, ip address etc.. if so, your asking to be investigated. especially if you spend a couple hundred bucks. and yes i know cards dont get ips. maybe they can but im just saying.


Active Member
Attitude is a great place got many many orders from them. Never worried about using my regular daily credit card.
Great shipping great service you cant go wrong with the tude my friend. Plus the freebie's.
Don't forget to put 420 in as the discount code it basically makes shipping free.


Active Member
Attitude is a great place got many many orders from them. Never worried about using my regular daily credit card.
Great shipping great service you cant go wrong with the tude my friend. Plus the freebie's.
Don't forget to put 420 in as the discount code it basically makes shipping free.
ya i dont use prepaid. i use my card with my name lol stupid? probly. but why would they ever share card info with anyone? u think the feds are gunna call them up and ask for random credit card info? i mean unless ur alrdy getting investigated i dont think it matters. ur card shud be secure if its a prepaid or not ya know.