Preparing for 1st Grow


Active Member
Hey all,

First off, let me say, what a great site. This one is pretty badass! So much info I think I'm startin' to get dizzy haha. Secondly, I wanna throw out real quick (but ridiculously sized) kudos to Widow Maker and the post he did on growing. Absolutely great!

Now, down to business..

So I've recently just gotten into this, it's more of an experiment for me at first, but I'm sure it will become more serious .. I've got a green thumb, so I'm hoping things go well on pure luck .. lmao, ya right *rolls eyes*

Anyways, I picked up 5 seeds to kind of mess around with to begin. They're a mix of Shiskaberry and Buddha (Toronto420 Seed Bank - Top Quality Seeds At Affordable Prices [bout 3/4 down the page]). I'm gonna grow them indoor/outdoor with a buddy as he has grown before. More or less right now, I'm just looking for more info on that strain in particular if anyone has any hand on experience with it.

Not really sure how we're gonna set up the inside yet as we're in an apartment with limited space .. but thankfully it's a pretty versatile place, so if need be, I can rearrange. And as for outside? I'm on the 9th floor and have a balcony. I plan on putting it on the side of the balcony that gets sun more or less all day. From about 8AM to 6PM (roughly) with wood on 2 or 3 of the sides covered in tinfoil to maximize light just due to the time of the year (mid-August)

Throw me all the info and tips at me that you can! I'm sure it'll be info overload at first, but I learn pretty quick ;)

Thanks all!
don't use tinfoil as it causes hot spots that burn the plant. but if you're outdoors they are already getting plenty of light from direct sunlight and your wooden box is just going to block direct sunlight for much of the day. just leave it outside in a place that can;t be seen.
I don't plan on building an entire box lol. More or less just a backing for it to block the view of nosey neighbours lol. Plus I'd have it set up to maximize light, not block it :p

Any particular nutrients recommended? I want to keep everything organic if possible
i would use, for nutrient a good Fox Farm ? Tiger Bloom ? things like those, and for your indoors what are you going to be using? also the website for your seeds, do they mail to the US?
As much as I'd love to help my southern neighbours, unfortunately no, they do not ship to the US. Toronto420 Seed Bank - Top Quality Seeds At Affordable Prices Explanation as to why if anyone cares (1/4 way down the page).

This one (another seed shop that I deal with) Sacred Seed - Exotic Seed and Houseplant Shop - Medicinal, rare, and otherwise intriguing plants and seeds - Toronto Ontario Canada. They are linked in a way (at least I think) to the other website, and are literally half a city apart which isn't too bad. SO, through the guy at Sacred Seed, he may be able to get you all those fancy seeds from the other place. Though sacred seed has some insane stuff to begin with ... pricy, but good nonetheless I assume
Well, thanks to my stoner friend. Everything has been overwatered. The soil was like a dense mud *sigh*. We started out with 7, 4 made it, 2 barely have thier first few small leaves above the soil. And in this state, I had to transplant them ...

At such an early stage and with them being so delicate, I think they're pretty much toast. One has turned more or less yellow and one is still kind of green, but with not a whole lot of sun in the forecast for the next 2 days, and no indoor growing equipment as of yet, I have little hope..

Any suggestions? Probably not, but still thought I'd ask...
yea, thats what im gonna do, right now they're chillin in my bathroom under the bathroom light. i know its not gonna do much, but im sure its better than having it sit outside in cool weather and having it on the verge of raining