preparing for vegitative growth


ok guys and gals. my seedlings have sprouted and i am keeping the six of the little guys under three 26watt cfls. what do i need to be prepared for the vegitative growth cycle i want these plants to be big and strong and so far they are doing great. what supplies should i get? and what fertilizers, lighting system, and size pots should i need. really just tell me everything you know. i would love the info. thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Be more specific won't get responses asking
people to tell everything they know.

Check out some journals and do some research then
come back and ask questions that can be answered.



ok so i did ask specifics check my original question. what ferts should i use? what kind of lighting should i use? and what size pot? i would like any other additional information if you could please elighten me that would be nice...


Well-Known Member
I see you edited that...

Those all depend on what size your room is, how much your willing to
invest on lights, other factors that might help to know...

If you want decent buds, you will have to spend some money on a good
lighting setup...


Well-Known Member
if your using cfls for your vegging your going to need more than three.

what size is your grow room?
how much have you want to spend?

here's my soil mixture, I got the core it from potpimp's blueberry thread(at least that's where I think I got it) but added a couple of things to it.

2 cubic ft miracle grow organic
2 cubit ft foxfarm (I can't find it locally yet so I went with some local stuff)
1 cup blood meal
1 cup bone meal
1 1/2 cup aluminum sulphate
1 teaspoon muriate of potash (I'm replacing this with greensand next time, this stuff is just so concentrated I'm afraid I'll burn the plants with to much)
1/2 cup diplomatic lime
mix it together, water it down and let it set a couple of days

good luck:blsmoke:


yeah sorry johnny but your initial response really pissed me off because you told me to do research when for the past two weeks ive done nothing but research. but anyway im thinking one cfl per plant for veging or just going with a TL setup i cant decide. i dont have alot of cash but i want to grow quality bud so later i will spring for a hps when i go into flowering. but as for the veg i was wondering if 26 watt cfls will do and if one per plant is a good ratio?


thanks for the soil recipe. now about how long should i wait for my sprouts to grow befor i transplant them into a larger pot with the new soil mix?


Well-Known Member
i use 4 27W 6500K cfl's for each plant, 3 would be fine but i like the growth i get with 4. I run in a 18/6 light cycle