Outdoor I typically get at least a pound per plant. I dont particularly get impressed by the big lists of stuff people use for their gardens. Because the key thing is for plants to get all micronutrients (in right concentrations) and perfectly timed watering. Coupled with proper housekeeping of your outdoor plants - most importantly, when required: foliar nutrient spray, ORGANIC insect/fungicide sprays, removing brown/yellow leaves, cutting off troublesome branches, supporting the plants, ensure proper air intake by the plant and keeping it as dry and clean as possible. It really doesnt matter what kind of medium you use for the roots - I tried everything from horse manure, to triple mix, to fancy soils / perlite, but the plants hardly care about that. They do care about this: the soil must not be heavy on nutes to begin with; it must be EASILY drainable and do not use pots. The golden rule for outdoors is if you water and the soil around the stem is dry the next day - the plant is happy. If the soil stays soggy for days on, the plant will not like that. I use normal triple mix that you would see at stores and mix it with dolomitic limestone (90% soil, 10% limestone) to make sure that pH will never dip too low with the heavy watering/nutrients that I will subject the plants throughout the summer/fall. Here's the big secret - marijuana plants LOVE when you plant them in sandy soils. Yield increases massively. In my area below the first dozen inches of soil is ALL sand down at least 100 feet all around. Provides great drainage and endless room for the roots. Another big secret is that marijuana plants HATE it when their roots are constrained. It affects the yield and the plant health. When there is no bottom and plenty of room at the side for the roots to expand, the plants feel free and grow to their full potential.