Never really thought about how much cannabis I smoke, just buy more when I run out. Probably an 1/8th a week or so for night time tokes when I was smoking (recently stopped, baby is almost here, she stopped 9 months ago.) But, there's this weekend long party/tubing trip in a couple months that I'm saving up for. It's an annual thing and it'l be nice to escape. lifes hectic now and will be 10000x more so in a couple weeks. My girlfriend and I want to smoke a lot. Like, not sober for the entire weekend kinda lot. Both of our tolerances suck because of the lack of smoke and the lack of quality when we did. A friend of mine was offering some great meds at ~200oz /100 for 1/2.
Were going to be smoking 90% joints. But, I was thinking, do you fine people think 1/2 would suffice for Fri/Sat/Sun for two people +sharing/friends, or should we say fuck it and get an oz?
I'm kinda bored, and random stuffs on my mind, if you couldn't tell.
Were going to be smoking 90% joints. But, I was thinking, do you fine people think 1/2 would suffice for Fri/Sat/Sun for two people +sharing/friends, or should we say fuck it and get an oz?
I'm kinda bored, and random stuffs on my mind, if you couldn't tell.