Do you dare question the qualifications of big balls?Surely his rag tag team of personally groomed virgins are up to the task of handling it ?
The ones who kept saying they would work on it? How many years does it take?The less funny part of all of this is that Trump once again took a good idea and totally fkd it up. The searching for waste should have been performed by people who have been educated in that task, and ideally by people familiar with the branches they are auditing.
LOL... The only department untouched so far is the only one that has failed to ever audit itself.The ones who kept saying they would work on it? How many years does it take?
That is some silly shit almost in its entirety.I get a kick of of how everyone screams about taxes we pay and then someone starts finding all the miss use of monies, and then certain people get ticked at them for exposing it! Why be mad at someone exposing the mis-use, irrational spending or lets face it, money laundering of our tax dollars back into the political hacks who have been in office the last 20 to 50 years who have been getting rich!
Every president has stated we must control spending, find out wher ethe money is being spent and corrrect the wrongs. Finally someone does it and the ones getting hurt the moist by it are screaming (politicians on the left, but there are definitely some on the right just as guilty). Elon isn't doing it, he assigned some of his 20+ year old computer wiz kids to look for these idiotic million and more payments that no tax payer should be paying for. I hope he keeps going and they can figure out who embezled or received all the kick backs. There are plenty of guys on the hill who wer average people when going into the house and now they are millionaires, not form a 2025 Salary of $165K, but guarnateed kickbacks. Look at Pelosi, Schumer, even the socialist Sanders became a millionaire after he dropped his bid for President and allowed Billary to run. Funny how 1 month later he purchase a new beacch home at 3.5 mill!
ELON keep having your wiz kids find this stuff, and hopefully Trump stops it all, and our taxes start being used appropriately, for the people not other countries people.
I get a kick of of how everyone screams about taxes we pay and then someone starts finding all the miss use of monies, and then certain people get ticked at them for exposing it! Why be mad at someone exposing the mis-use, irrational spending or lets face it, money laundering of our tax dollars back into the political hacks who have been in office the last 20 to 50 years who have been getting rich!
Every president has stated we must control spending, find out wher ethe money is being spent and corrrect the wrongs. Finally someone does it and the ones getting hurt the moist by it are screaming (politicians on the left, but there are definitely some on the right just as guilty). Elon isn't doing it, he assigned some of his 20+ year old computer wiz kids to look for these idiotic million and more payments that no tax payer should be paying for. I hope he keeps going and they can figure out who embezled or received all the kick backs. There are plenty of guys on the hill who wer average people when going into the house and now they are millionaires, not form a 2025 Salary of $165K, but guarnateed kickbacks. Look at Pelosi, Schumer, even the socialist Sanders became a millionaire after he dropped his bid for President and allowed Billary to run. Funny how 1 month later he purchase a new beacch home at 3.5 mill!
ELON keep having your wiz kids find this stuff, and hopefully Trump stops it all, and our taxes start being used appropriately, for the people not other countries people.
I get a kick of of how everyone screams about taxes we pay and then someone starts finding all the miss use of monies, and then certain people get ticked at them for exposing it! Why be mad at someone exposing the mis-use, irrational spending or lets face it, money laundering of our tax dollars back into the political hacks who have been in office the last 20 to 50 years who have been getting rich!
Every president has stated we must control spending, find out wher ethe money is being spent and corrrect the wrongs. Finally someone does it and the ones getting hurt the moist by it are screaming (politicians on the left, but there are definitely some on the right just as guilty). Elon isn't doing it, he assigned some of his 20+ year old computer wiz kids to look for these idiotic million and more payments that no tax payer should be paying for. I hope he keeps going and they can figure out who embezled or received all the kick backs. There are plenty of guys on the hill who wer average people when going into the house and now they are millionaires, not form a 2025 Salary of $165K, but guarnateed kickbacks. Look at Pelosi, Schumer, even the socialist Sanders became a millionaire after he dropped his bid for President and allowed Billary to run. Funny how 1 month later he purchase a new beacch home at 3.5 mill!
ELON keep having your wiz kids find this stuff, and hopefully Trump stops it all, and our taxes start being used appropriately, for the people not other countries people.
I get a kick of of how everyone screams about taxes we pay and then someone starts finding all the miss use of monies, and then certain people get ticked at them for exposing it! Why be mad at someone exposing the mis-use, irrational spending or lets face it, money laundering of our tax dollars back into the political hacks who have been in office the last 20 to 50 years who have been getting rich!
Every president has stated we must control spending, find out wher ethe money is being spent and corrrect the wrongs. Finally someone does it and the ones getting hurt the moist by it are screaming (politicians on the left, but there are definitely some on the right just as guilty). Elon isn't doing it, he assigned some of his 20+ year old computer wiz kids to look for these idiotic million and more payments that no tax payer should be paying for. I hope he keeps going and they can figure out who embezled or received all the kick backs. There are plenty of guys on the hill who wer average people when going into the house and now they are millionaires, not form a 2025 Salary of $165K, but guarnateed kickbacks. Look at Pelosi, Schumer, even the socialist Sanders became a millionaire after he dropped his bid for President and allowed Billary to run. Funny how 1 month later he purchase a new beacch home at 3.5 mill!
ELON keep having your wiz kids find this stuff, and hopefully Trump stops it all, and our taxes start being used appropriately, for the people not other countries people.
If Muskrat, has "Actual Proof" of Fraud, Misuse of Money ect??
He needs to Go To Court, UNDER OATH, AND BRING ALL EVIDENCE, AND INTRODUCE IT TO THE COURT, VS POSTING BULLSHIT, ON THE INTERNET, THAT IS NOT SUBJECT TO BEING UNDER OATH, NOR SUBJECT TO JAIL, IF ONE PERJURES, ONESELF. Its already proven, he mistated 6-8 Million Dollars, and quoted it as being 8 BILLION DOLLARS. Quite a bit of different there. And, he, nor anyone on his wrecking crew, are neither qualified,,,,, nor authorized, by Congress, to review, documents, and cut programs, that were done BY CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL.
Congress, controls the Money. Not tRump, and to do or say otherwise, is either you dont give a fuck that they break the law, or you do not know how Gevernment Works. Or, is supposed to work, by the guidelines set up, IN THE CONSTITUTION.
But, all it takes its Putin Dick Suckers, to tear down the USA, as Putin, would have it. tRump has done more for Putin, ina month, than Putin had accomplished, in 30 years.
tRump sides with the MURDERING Saudis, and Putin, and Zelensky, is left out of the conversation, about the fate of his own fucking country.
what kind of a dweeb, thinks they can negotiate a treaty, and not include one of the main parties, to the crisis?? Its fucking Ignorant, and a sign tRump, will let Putin, do anything he wishes, and not do anything, all because he likes the taste of Putins dick, and wishes he could be like him, and have his power.
Justy like tRump negotiated the Afghani debacle. He didnt include the Afghanis either!!!, and to boot, released 5000 Taliban Soldiers!!! of which one is now the president, of Afghanistan!!!
Bottom line is, tRump, is a Putin Living Dick Sucker, and has turned the free world, against the USA. They are all laughing their asses off at us, and are yet, scared to death, at the same time. Putin will start more bullshit, especially, if USA leaves NATO. Then, in the end, the USA, will be drawn into a war, in Europe. And we could have stopped it, had we had the nuts to stand up to Putin.
Putin has a tiny economy. California's is bigger. They cannot afford a long, protracted war. Simple as that. But the Putin lovers, will save him. If they can.