Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Discusses Marijuana.


New Member
Bill yes...Coulter...NO!

Ann Poltergiest uses rude remarks to vent at dems.


And you don't think Maher uses rude remarks to vent at conservatives? ~lol~

Hey, the fun of politics is in the rude remarks. :bigjoint:



New Member
Bill yes...Coulter...NO!

Ann Poltergiest uses rude remarks to vent at dems.


And you don't think Maher uses rude remarks to vent at conservatives? ~lol~

Hey, the fun of politics is in the rude remarks. :bigjoint:

I get it, the only reason you watch Bill Maher is the fact that he is an outspoken pothead. I also watch Bill Maher and agree that he is rather self-important, the way he strolls out to the cheers of the audience with that smug look on his face is un-nerving for sure, But he makes perfect sense with his views with the exception of his views on Illegals. I can't figure that out, the illegals stance. Doesn't he see the plight of the middle class becoming more and more perilous due to Illegals and other corporate strategies? He is down on elites yet pushes a definent elite policy, open borders. I guess it just goes to show that no-one is perfect. On the other hand, Cuntler is the devil incarnate.


New Member
I get it, the only reason you watch Bill Maher is the fact that he is an outspoken pothead. I also watch Bill Maher and agree that he is rather self-important, the way he strolls out to the cheers of the audience with that smug look on his face is un-nerving for sure, But he makes perfect sense with his views with the exception of his views on Illegals. I can't figure that out, the illegals stance. Doesn't he see the plight of the middle class becoming more and more perilous due to Illegals and other corporate strategies? He is down on elites yet pushes a definent elite policy, open borders. I guess it just goes to show that no-one is perfect. On the other hand, Cuntler is the devil incarnate.
To a left-winger like Maher, the illegals represent more people to get addicted to the Welfare State and that equates to votes for the Socialist Party. The reason you agree with Maher is because his political views are in alignment with yours. The reason you hate Coulter so much is because her views are 180 degrees out of sync with yours. If you watch/read both with an open mind, you can pick up some valuable tidbits from them. At least you may gain some appreciation of the views coming from the other side.



New Member
To a left-winger like Maher, the illegals represent more people to get addicted to the Welfare State and that equates to votes for the Socialist Party. The reason you agree with Maher is because his political views are in alignment with yours. The reason you hate Coulter so much is because her views are 180 degrees out of sync with yours. If you watch/read both with an open mind, you can pick up some valuable tidbits from them. At least you may gain some appreciation of the views coming from the other side.

That portion of the other side is to vehemently explosive to elicit any response from me except don't bother to read or listen to the poison she vomits from that twisted mind. I pay attention to the other sides agenda so I'll know what's coming, kinda like looking both ways before crossing the train tracks, wouldn't want to get hit with a locomotive going 60 MPH. It boils down to, the only voice we have is the vote, and with all the religious kooks out there voting for "Jesus" (do you think Bush is a true Christian), the smart guys (Carl Rove) get idiots elected on the Jesus platform, A huge bowl of crap. I have way more respect for Jesus than any of the repuke assholes running on the Jesus platform, fuck all of them. BTW Cuntler professes to be a Christian, what a fucking joke.


New Member
Speaking of poison ... did you happen to catch Maher last night? He did a great segment on the poisons being put in our foods ... and the American's who suck it up. He spoke about one booth at the Los Angeles County Fair last year that was serving deep fried Coke syrup. After the syrup was fried, it was put into a cup, sugar sprinkled on it, whip cream put on top of that ... and a nice marichino cherry to top everything off. Evidently, people were waiting in line to get to the slop. Yuck!


Father Jack

Well-Known Member
And you don't think Maher uses rude remarks to vent at conservatives? ~lol~
I get it, the only reason you watch Bill Maher is the fact that he is an outspoken pothead. I also watch Bill Maher and agree that he is rather self-important, the way he strolls out to the cheers of the audience with that smug look on his face is un-nerving for sure,
Lets try to remember...Bill is a stand up comedian intelligent debater 2nd. Coltergiest is a cunt that thinks she's funny. BUt she's the only one that thinks that except maybe Rove and Delay.



Well-Known Member
Whilze youze guys argue about info-clowns, take a look at the Associated Press stories. They seem to be following RP closely. Soon, a couple candidates will melt. RP will move up a few notches in the poles.

Father Jack

Well-Known Member
We can only hope eh? looks like Gulianni(sp?) is starting to really get the shit kicked out of him. Lots of episodes of his past ethical problems in his past are coming to light now. Not to mention Fixed Noise being exposed as the main Rudy backer.



New Member
Whilze youze guys argue about info-clowns, take a look at the Associated Press stories. They seem to be following RP closely. Soon, a couple candidates will melt. RP will move up a few notches in the poles.
Optimism is a good thing, not knowing the good old boy thing is careless. No one will be elected without their approval. They have 3-5 candidates in the race, Guliani is #1, but I think he has too much scandal. Paul wants to change the status quo, that will never fly with the GOBC. I'd like to think I could be wrong, but there is that age thing that makes me so cynical. Having watched the assasinations of both the Kennedy brothers, I really doubt he'd even get to the coronation, let alone be allowed to actually make any changes!