Pretty lost on how to continue growing this! Help.


New Member
I have a huge I was in SF saturday for the cannabis convention can't remember what it was called haha, but back on topic..they were giving away free plants and of course i took one asked the guy what strain he said blue dream, wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not.
I'm an serious beginner and now I have this plant that is in a thing called "gro-block" I've been keeping it in there over the weekend and have been keeping it outside. Now I want to go a little further and don't know where to start. I would like to move it out the block into some soil maybe? My question is...where do i start?!


Active Member
Hmm, it looks like rockwool to me. I've taken rooted clones that were in rockwool and put them directly into soil...don't try to rip it outta the gro-block, just put the whole thing into a container and put some soil all around/underneath it. I've never had any problems doing this, but mine were just clones in 2" cubes. If it is blue dream you're in for a treat if you can get her all the way through!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
why remove it from the grow-block, why not just put it all into dirt.....

....the plant seems plenty big so get it into a 3 gallon pot or more


Well-Known Member
There will be no problems putting the whole block into soil/compost. I'd do it fairly quickly to avoid any nutrition problems and give it some kind of root stimulator too.


New Member
is there any certain type of soil i should put it in? i was just thinking of putting it in the ground in my backyard haha.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
is there any certain type of soil i should put it in? i was just thinking of putting it in the ground in my backyard haha.
well that all depends upon what your back yard has to offer, if you have fertile soil in the ground then yeah....but if the soil is questionable, then maybe consider buying some decent soil


New Member
well that all depends upon what your back yard has to offer, if you have fertile soil in the ground then yeah....but if the soil is questionable, then maybe consider buying some decent soil
we have some normal plants back there that are still alive so im assuming thats good? lmao thank you!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
we have some normal plants back there that are still alive so im assuming thats good? lmao thank you!
might be better to transplant into a pot so you can move it into the house if/when it gets too cold

PS: buy a bag of potting soil from local garden shop.


Well-Known Member
Agreed ^^^^^^ 10-15 gallon smartpot or a pot that has drainage holes and preferably handles. I would def look into buying a decent grow medium. (if you need advice on this just ask man), hopefully you don't mind spending a little bread cause you will get out what you put into that plant imho. I would also start planning for winter and suppling your lovely lady with a decent light to help her thrive!


Well-Known Member
don't try to remove the grow block. just . plant the entire block into soil . as long as the roots are comeing out of it, you will be fine and dandy.


New Member
don't try to remove the grow block. just . plant the entire block into soil . as long as the roots are comeing out of it, you will be fine and dandy.
theres like two parts to the gro block like that main big part and the little brown part where the plants roots are i just take out the brown part and grow it or the whole block? i took out the little brown part and i saw the roots.


New Member
definatly buy soil for indoors, seems like dirt from yard can harbor bugs and diseases which flourish indoors. You'll need to invest in lights for indoors- sunlight in window not enough. Maybe invest in HPS 400 or 600 for flower- you'll need ballast and light fixture- can get whole set up around 100.00 and they you could get metal halide bulb for veg period- the metal halide bulb can be used with hps fixture and ballast. Start w 18 hr of lights on and 6 off for veg cycle- cheep nutrients for veg could be fish emulsion and kelp fertalizer- cheaper that fox farm or advanced nutrients ext and seems to work well. You could veg as long as you want 2 mo to 5-6 mo- depends on size and yield you wana end up with. I veg 7 mo because I live in country with plenty of time and space but if space and time are limited and you want quick results try 1-2 months. then switch to hps red spectrum light 12 hr on 12 hr off - this will start her flowering... there are many many other lighting and nutrient options- sooo much to growing - it can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be. I would start basic. Oh ya you could add some lime to soil because you want to lower ph- if ph gets too high it will increase chance of it turning into a male and decrease yields.


Well-Known Member
Agree with the potting soil suggestion. You may also need to buy some pearlite to add, if the soil is very dense.


New Member
So I just like just now put it in some soil with the entire grow block in the pot but i think there is something definitely wrong with my plant :/


Well-Known Member
If I were you I start reading threads on here and you'll learn just about everything you need to know. Good luck to you!