Prevent backyard theft

When I grow in my backyard I rely on a 6’ privacy fence, pad locked gates, a couple of big dogs, and posted beware of dog signs. But mainly I rely on stealth. No one knows I’m growing anything in my backyard beyond a standard garden. My spot for cannabis is in a spot that can not be seen from outside my yard and even then I take steps to conceal the plants with other plants growing all around them. Growing like that is kind of a pain because the cover plants create issues I have to deal with like impending airflow and making it harder for me to control insect pests. But the upside is that for most of my grow you can be standing right beside the plot and not notice the 3 or 4 cannabis plants growing there beside you. The truth is though that the last month or so my cannabis plants outgrow the covering plants and become pretty unmistakable as mature fully flowered and ready to chop plants. They still can’t be seen outside my yard but if you go back there you’ll see them pretty easily. That last month is always the most stressful time of your grow but if you haven’t told anyone what you’re doing no one will be none the wiser.
Then someone will get wire cutters and cut a hole in it. Best to put an electric fence unit on it to tell them to back off.
Probably better to get some thicker material then, something that would require some noise to get through.

Commercial AC security cage...


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The only thing that will actually work is some sort of intimidation, the thief knows to check again this season for pot, and they know they got away with it. Personally I would want to scare THAT thief, maybe a sign with a written "warning" saying youre ready or waiting or whatever. Sucks to have to have to post that on your property, but the fella is likely to return

Things like lights and fence may deter him enough, that wouldnt be enough for someone who has successfully stolen and will likely case the your place again. Gotta scare him
The only thing that will actually work is some sort of intimidation, the thief knows to check again this season for pot, and they know they got away with it. Personally I would want to scare THAT thief, maybe a sign with a written "warning" saying youre ready or waiting or whatever. Sucks to have to have to post that on your property, but the fella is likely to return

Things like lights and fence may deter him enough, that wouldnt be enough for someone who has successfully stolen and will likely case the your place again. Gotta scare him

When all else fails, take all the groceries into the house in one trip, and do it all while grunting heavily and wearing flip flops. It will scare anyone watching like nothing else. Highly intimidating. Lol.

In all seriousness though, some beware of dog signs, preferably ones that say warning - not responsible for injury or death. Gives them something to think about. Plant thorny plants on both sides of the fence, all the way around if possible. Setup a multilayered detection system, with backup power incase of outage.

Scrogging plants makes it harder to pull them out of the ground when your net is really secure, and staking a few thorny branches around the stalks near end of harvest will give a little surprise to anyone trying to rip you off. I don't really consider it booby trappin cause it's natural, and you can always say it's how you deter rats from chewing up your stalks. Either way, if someone's on your property with bad intentions, they're already in the wrong. I've heard of people wrapping barbed wire around the stalk, but I wouldn't recommend anything extreme. Natural defenses can be extremely effective in deterring potential "pests" lol
Also, signs stating the property is monitored by video surveillance, incase they can't see the camera from their vantage point.

Avoid a set schedule, come and go at random. Keep your eyes OPEN, employ counter measures as well as counter surveillance and know the property around you very well. If someone so much as takes 1 step around your property, you should know. Study tracking and know the landscape around you. Take note of anything that seems out of place and monitor it. Set up hidden cameras. There may be a possibility of identifying who it is before they commit the crime, could potentially be someone you know.

If you can convince some close family members to grow too, it will help secure a harvest for everyone as well.

Hope this helps...
Sadly, your best option is to move to where everyone's properties are spread apart... as in miles/km's between each other. Living in sub divisions.... good luck!
Shark hooks along the fence line.

Once they step on one they won't be able to remove it.

Surround with some companion plants if you can, bamboo tress hide them really well...this i did just recently, i stood back and could not see them.

Out of sight, out of mind.