Preventing mold??

Ok I know this isnt really a problem but I want to know if it can cause mold.
My plants look really healthy. I have some plants Im doing LST on and I tuck the leaves so branches can get more light. But when i check on them I see some leaves kinda stuck together because of moisture. I can see water on the leaves I just dont want them to stay moist for too long cause I think it might cause mold. I havent foliar sprayed in a week and I dont have a fan yet. Im getting one ASAP. but if anyone knows if that can cause mold or if its completely fine then please let me know. i would hate to get mold problems
So the cardboard sucks up the moisture? I never thought of that. Good idea. Do you have to replace the cardboard every once in a while?


Well-Known Member
i would every couple weeks,but remember this is just a quick fix till u get what u need to dial in more