Price of soil??


Well-Known Member
I was adding it up in my head and in order to fill 6 pots i need like 18gallons of soil. That gets rly expensive doesn't it???? how do u guys get u'r soil or for price of all that wud u reccomend just buying a hydro system for like $55???


Well-Known Member
Standard potting soil. Go to the garden section of your local all purpose store (safeway fred meyers etc.)


Well-Known Member
lol didnt know that trick :D

You can use soil from your back yard (provided you dont have a high clay content) and microwave it for 2 minutes to kill all the bugs and other seeds etc. let it cool ph it then stick a seed in it :) should work just fine for pot i've done it with other plants.


Well-Known Member
or just buy a bag of soil...WHY DOES EVERYONE CUT CORNERS IN THIS HOBBY...its just dumb...dude I use FF soil and I use $150 in soil per crop....


Well-Known Member
lol didnt know that trick :D

You can use soil from your back yard (provided you dont have a high clay content) and microwave it for 2 minutes to kill all the bugs and other seeds etc. let it cool ph it then stick a seed in it :) should work just fine for pot i've done it with other plants.
He needs 18 gallons.. i don't think many people want a hole that size in their yard. 1, 2, 3 grows and next thing you know theres a swimming pool in your yard. Most back yards have shitty soil its not even soil really, more like clay. I just bought a 20L bag of soil from Home Depot the other day for 3 bucks.. cheap.


Well-Known Member
Lol because we are lazy and dont want to go to the store. or dont have money.
Hmmm. I don't think you get... So many people try and do things the easy way... but it always ends up being more work in the end.

I could hop in my car and take a 2min drive to home depot so i can pay 3 bucks for a bag of good soil.

OR go get my shovel and start digging a hole in my yard(probably look like i'm planning on burring a body.. cops might show up). And then after you break a sweat and your back hurts you can pick out the bullshit then microwave it... hmmm


Well-Known Member
look at what they have. Most of the nutrients you are going to see arent like miracle grow and have natural ferts. read their ingredients.


Active Member
Be careful buying soil. As you have it nutrient free? I made the mistake on an early grow....forgot to look and got Miracle Grow! I then added fertilizer and surprise, plants got completely burnt!

Soil is so cheap....Walmart....$1.95 for 20 lbs. bag....nutrient free!