Ok dude cut the plant at the bottom of the trunk and rip off all of the large leaves. Then cut off all the smaller leaves with snippers but leave very small leaves with allot of crystals. All of this should be done keeping the plant intact or cuting off large individual branches. Once you have all your leafes off just hang that shit upsidedown in your closet with a fan on and the door cracked. Wait until they get a bit crisp and clip off the nugs and throw them in paper bags. Your nuggs will be fully dry depending on your climate. A dry nugg should have a stem that snaps off easily. At this point your bud is totally smokeable but will probably smell like dry grass. If you want a great smell and better taste throw them all in jars for as long as you want, taking the nuggs out each day and replacing them to let all of the bud touch the air in the jar.This is the prosess know as curing. If your buds get too dry at any point, throw an orange peel in the jar for about a day and it will moisten em up and add a citrus scent.
Personally I would smoke the bud if its dank. But depending on quality(Crystals and Hairs) you could get about 500 if you sell it.