Well-Known Member
Would you call this Moroccan anyone ? - I think those are 200 g slabs.
That wax packaging is common on commercial-grade Moroccon.
Watch starting @ 18:00
I think they are either 100 or 200 g.....going by video I'd say 100g ?
There was "Habibi" Moroccan that was almost identical to the Rolex going around last year as well. These hashes were selling for 3-4000 a pound and $250 - 400 a zip.....retail price....and I would call these products low-mid-grade commercial - don't get me wrong though - it smokes, light, smooth and beautiful, in my opinion, but at those prices only a treat. Get these prices to a dollar a gram and I'd chain smoke it, in joints, during the day lol.
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