Printing Money

You notice this guy never once posted a pic. Its BS. ALL modern printers by ALL modern makers recognize a certain background pattern in real currency and do not allow accurate scanning nor printing. Dont believe me? Try it. Try and scan a 20. Now I have heard of people flashing the firmware to get around this with a custom firmware, but this guy never even brought that up. This policy has been in place since the late 80s with Xerox and the US Secret Service. Most major currencies are involved.
I definitely scanned a twenty not even 2 weeks ago for laughs, worked just fine.
You can create US currency with your debt card, credit card or check book. You can print your own money, that is your own currency. I think it is completely legal to produce your own currency, the question is will anyone accept it.
You can pick up blocks of shredded money straight from the New York FED
The real question is what is money?

As far as inflation and deflation goes - since WW2 we have had a very stable currency.
We have not experienced any deflation except for the last couple years, not shown on the chart.

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You didn't really look at your graph did you? Maybe you looked at it, but you sure as hell didn't understand it. Inflation is not and does not mean you have a stable currency, it means that it is constantly losing value. You need deflation to undo the inflation if you want a stable currency, obviously we have had none of that. And that is the point of the graph, there is no stability in the system, ever. We had a complete gold exchange standard from 1870-1914 and that just happens to coincide with the most stable part of the whole graph.
ive heard of people taking the strip out of 5's and pasting them on ones and getting 4$ in change out of vending machines!its illegal so dont do it!
thank you for this semi imformative process... i wish it could be more in detailed.. as to what hypothetical printer u would use... and how to perfectly align the two sides.. i film short films, and play money would be great to have... ordering it on amazon cost a ARM and a LEG...
its hard to reproduce the feel of the linen paper our currancy is printed on

brings back some funny memories of long ago, forged notes always "feel" wrong, even if they look quite realistic
money here is made from cotton and linen paper
i seem to recall scrunching notes up to put some authentic creases in them.. they did not look right being so shiny and new, then applying a small amount of talc rubbing it well into the paper they felt smooth like real notes lol