Private Breeders prices?

I think some of you guys have forgot about the past. Cause i remember before legalization how there were hype strains and the same convos were happening then as well but now canabis is more in the lime light and there seems to be more of the hype train riders. My suggestion is find the genetics you want to run run them make seeds and run those that way no matter what you paid for them you got your money's worth.
hah i just pick up the male plant and beat it against all the females until the air is thick with pollen, like a savage

I think Bodhi, AK and a few others have said it best when it comes to "hype strains"; every single one of them was a seed before it was a select cutting. So whenever I see a hype strain out there, I'll try it if a friend is offering, but I don't specifically go seek it out at a dispensary. The last and most recent hype strain I've samples was GSC. Not sure if it was a legit GSC cut but it didn't really leave that much of a lasting impression. But even though I don't have an affinity for it individually, a cross with it is something id be more interested in. Ive heard though that its a pretty dominant strain and usually overtakes whatever its bred with, so perhaps a complimentary cross rather than a combining cross would be better; such as more cowbell.
I would never go into business as a breeder at this particular time. As long as marijuana keeps becoming legal their profit margins will continue to fall. If it was to be completely legalized, cannabis seeds would cost no more than morning glory seeds. I don't see it being completely legalized but even the way it is, price competition will drive prices way down. We will find that the more it is regulated, the more seeds will cost. Government is what makes the cost high. With a pack of cigarettes, government makes far more than the manufacturer, store and all others put together. I believe that is how it will eventually be with marijuana that is sold commercially. The profit to individual breeders will be minuscule. It will take corporate sized breeders operations to compete. It will take time but all prices will fall.
I see it a little different . Now more than ever is the time to start creating,craft building and becoming a citizen of the world .

Breeders are emerging from the underground shadows and are on the cusp of full on rockstardom ,you see it sprinkled already w/some artists.

Now is most definitely the time to engage the life if it’s your nature and calling .respectfully .
I see it a little different . Now more than ever is the time to start creating,craft building and becoming a citizen of the world .

Breeders are emerging from the underground shadows and are on the cusp of full on rockstardom ,you see it sprinkled already w/some artists.

Now is most definitely the time to engage the life if it’s your nature and calling .respectfully .

I'd much rather be a denizen than a citizen. Even now, "citizens" are still jailed for the crime of possessing or growing our favorite plant.

Not trying to harsh on your perspective, but I think weed and weed seeds when it's really been freed, will not be a lucrative business, since the laws of supply and demand will be allowed to prevail then. Only thru prohibition or prohibition lite (which is happening now) is supply suppressed enough to create the scarcity necessary for people to be weed celebrities.

Respectfully, I think we need more freedom and fewer weed celebrities.
I see it completely different and breeder celebrity takes all forms(pull the curtain back ) . They are the back bone of the plant in ,IMO.

We are on the verge world wide legalization and the science of the plant and it’s ability to cure is yet to be realized or tapped into .Not even speaking on the rec. market but hey if I can go to Wally World grab a pack of breeder x off the shelf next to my morning glory pack ,win for me .

Lucrative is subjective and not all financial at least the way I was raised and in turn raised my family.

Personally an underground breeder market isn’t the way I see the new world unfolding .

However that science kid in the Claremont college system or the Ivy League crew that grew up in the life but keeps tolerance low and the work the are putting in breeding the plant to the next level of healing , rockstars .

Edit: thanx for responding I value your keyboard skill and p.o.v ,different set of eyes never hurts
I would never go into business as a breeder at this particular time. As long as marijuana keeps becoming legal their profit margins will continue to fall. If it was to be completely legalized, cannabis seeds would cost no more than morning glory seeds. I don't see it being completely legalized but even the way it is, price competition will drive prices way down. We will find that the more it is regulated, the more seeds will cost. Government is what makes the cost high. With a pack of cigarettes, government makes far more than the manufacturer, store and all others put together. I believe that is how it will eventually be with marijuana that is sold commercially. The profit to individual breeders will be minuscule. It will take corporate sized breeders operations to compete. It will take time but all prices will fall.

I feel the good ones will succeed while the "others" will fail. If a person, or collective, puts their love and heart and soul into it, does everything properly and creates some really awesome strains, then I think they will rise because the product will speak for itself.

I think that maybe one day it could possibly become saturated but there will always be a need for clones and seeds. Good ones anyways. Look at C99 seeds. They still command a high price due to the quality involved. I mean thats just an example.

What I really like nowadays is when big companies give out tons of free seeds for "pheno challenges". We all get to watch and participate to find the next best crosses. But personally I want to try and maintain whats left of the "landrace" strains, if there are any left that is. Like one day some goat herder will stumble behind a rock looking for lost goats and find the mother of all Sativas or something lol
@blazeaglory420 I agree with you 100%!

Legalization will cause many "Hype" "breeders" (That in fact just pollen chuck) to go out of business while the most passionate, hard working breeders will emerge. That is what I believe.:bigjoint:

Did you know that at least 50% of "Breeders" don't even produce their own seeds!? They just buy wholesale and retail the seeds in some cute packaging boxes...

When a brand new seed co already offers 25 different strains, more often than not, something is off :shock:
@blazeaglory420 I agree with you 100%!

Legalization will cause many "Hype" "breeders" (That in fact just pollen chuck) to go out of business while the most passionate, hard working breeders will emerge. That is what I believe.:bigjoint:

Did you know that at least 50% of "Breeders" don't even produce their own seeds!? They just buy wholesale and retail the seeds in some cute packaging boxes...

When a brand new seed co already offers 25 different strains, more often than not, something is off :shock:

name 3 american breeders who do this? I"ve just never heard that claim, let alone over half of them do this.
They still command a high price due to the quality involved. I mean thats just an example.

In the future, good seeds will command a higher price relative to average seeds, but with decreased prohibition type legislation the entire price scale should move downward.

I contend much of pricing is hype and marketing ploy right now. What buoys up seed prices now is the presence of regulation. Remove regulation and you'll see Pot seeds at Walmart right beside the tomato and vegetable seeds. Producing seeds doesn't cost much, prohibition is why they're expensive now.

Even now, under prohibition lite, "clone only super duper weed" doesn't remain proprietary long, once clones get out into the market, people always make s1 seeds or back cross into a very close representation. For example Gorilla Glue. Just a few years ago, it was hard to get, now it seems there are a multitude of seed outlets offering their version of femmed seeds.
I won't name names but this is happening in Europe for sure. I don't know about the US.
Us breeders like Mister Soul, DJ Short or Ethos put in some great work.
oh well duh. euro genetics are watered down trash bullshit, and i'm tired of people trying to justify it because they're cheap asses and dont want to spend 100 a pack for fire. sure, some places arent, bad, there are good packs to be found. but WHY would you even risk that when, I'm sorry i cant remember who said this the other day, you can go on JBC, order any pack from any breeder, and i promise you you're gonna get some good beans in there.

I understand if you live in a place where your limited to international seedbanks, but if you're in North America, and with the availability of information from sites like this, theres really no excuse for ordering trash anymore.

trust me, I was new and dumb once too, grew out some shit from Female Seeds, Dinafem, Victory Seeds, and even some stuff from seedsman, which was actually the best of all I mentioned.

PM me the names if you'd like. You stated as a fact that over 50 percent of breeders just resell bulk, so Id actually like a longer list, which I honestly doubt you are able to provide since i'm pretty sure you're just talking out of your ass. I'd love it if you'd prove me wrong though. JUst know that I will repost that list in a comment here because I dont mind sharing the information myself, since I honestly dont know why you'd want to keep that to your self? do you want people to buy shit seeds or something? or are you just full of shit yourself?
Im cheap and would much rather spend 80 bucks on a strain like slurricane than 200 for the original. Here's a week 6 peanut butter punch and just scooped some secret seed society gmo x purple punch 2.0 and slurricane x purple punch 2.0 for less than one pack symbiotic.
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