I won't name names but this is happening in Europe for sure. I don't know about the US.
Us breeders like Mister Soul, DJ Short or Ethos put in some great work.
oh well duh. euro genetics are watered down trash bullshit, and i'm tired of people trying to justify it because they're cheap asses and dont want to spend 100 a pack for fire. sure, some places arent, bad, there are good packs to be found. but WHY would you even risk that when, I'm sorry i cant remember who said this the other day, you can go on JBC, order any pack from any breeder, and i promise you you're gonna get some good beans in there.
I understand if you live in a place where your limited to international seedbanks, but if you're in North America, and with the availability of information from sites like this, theres really no excuse for ordering trash anymore.
trust me, I was new and dumb once too, grew out some shit from Female Seeds, Dinafem, Victory Seeds, and even some stuff from seedsman, which was actually the best of all I mentioned.
PM me the names if you'd like. You stated as a fact that over 50 percent of breeders just resell bulk, so Id actually like a longer list, which I honestly doubt you are able to provide since i'm pretty sure you're just talking out of your ass. I'd love it if you'd prove me wrong though. JUst know that I will repost that list in a comment here because I dont mind sharing the information myself, since I honestly dont know why you'd want to keep that to your self? do you want people to buy shit seeds or something? or are you just full of shit yourself?