Privatizing Prisons In MI?


Well-Known Member
Is this true? There's talk about the largest corporate prison doing this. In their annual report or such (they're publicly traded) they list any change in the drug sentencing will adversely affect income...

I feel like a commodity. Like cattle with invisible pens. And I'm being milked before slaughter.

The Growery

Active Member
would that entity happen to be wackenhut aka "G4S". i had heard the same thing, was an article in the freep about it earlier this year. looks like it will happen because well... a lot of people stand to gain millions, billions over the next decade and when you talk about those types of figures "they" always find a way to make it happen.

aside from the havoc big pharma wreaks, if the prisons are privatized it's even more incentive on the state level to begin arresting medical users and growers via some crazy amendment especially when you consider some statistics report as high as 40% of inmates are marijuana arrests


Well-Known Member

"Beginning in late 2011, legislators in Michigan started introducing bills that would allow the GEO Group to house state prisoners again. According to state lobbying records, the GEO Group spent nearly $30,000 lobbying during the first half of last year, a more than tenfold increase from the same time period a year before. One of the company's lobbyists is Rick Johnson, a former speaker of the Michigan House."

The revolving door between politics and corporate America disgusts me.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
mixing capitalistic incentives within a prison system always has been a horrible idea. the new slave labor: prisons.


Well-Known Member
"A government for the people, by the people". What a joke. Unfortunately people are so divided on so many issues that we may never unify and fight for our basic rights as humans and continue to let big money lead us all like sheep to the slaughter. How depressing.


Well-Known Member
Let out the people who are locked up for weed related offenses and we could probably close a couple prisons. Privatizing is a bad idea.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
NAh, last of the 3 good jobs in Jackson-work for the state at prison work at gerdau making steel 16 hrs a day or bust hump bussing tables...wait those are not "good" jobs.......