pro breeder coop + log


Active Member
thats exactly what i meant by taste test, along with all the other notes i could take, flavor, aroma, high, speed of growth, hardiness,etc. i will not exclude any data. and like i said i will NOT be breeding any plants that hermie but im not going to kill them either. just gonna put them in isolation and try to cut off as many sacks as i can; checking 2 or 3 times a day. i know i could not get all of them, especially if they keep producing right down to the end of the cycle. its just to sample buds, and even though that particular plant came out with a disposition to hermie, doesnt mean that every seed from that cross will have that characteristic, however more likely it may be. backcrossing that cross' seeds that dont hermie with the more stable strains will also lessen the chances. in the end all i need is 1 female to clone for as long as i can while i keep trying to solidify all the traits i want.

as for the bagseed, i know it wont be exactly the same, but the genetics are there, and i have about 20-40 of some of the biggest seeds i have ever seen. again as i said im just playing my cards one at a time. not expecting anything but a science experiment and massive amounts of ejumickashuns, though i will be pushing toward a particular outcome and will be doing everything in my power to make sure the plants remain stress free, until 2-3 weeks before harvest that is =p.

"and if the high i get is what i want, it will be valued far greate[r] than a sinsemilla crop" i have plenty of times smoked one hitter quitter knock you on your ass weed that was PACKED full of seeds(one time in particular, smoked 1 bowl between 3 heads, and over 12 hours later when i was trying to go to sleep i was still HALLUCINATING(auditory and closed eye visuals), no it wasnt laced, and they called it "mids", because it had seeds. cost me $80 for a halfo) all that resin is produced for a reason, just like any other defense mechanism in any other plant, in our case protection from the winter drought.

i do appreciate your input and hope to have more of it. sorry to hear about your brainstorm. im goin to check out your log right now. dont be afraid of the seed my friend:peace:


Active Member
ok, notice how one leaf is broad and open, and the leaf directly across is curled down a droopy. clone 3 btw

the worst of it is on clone 2's main cola

it is not this prominent anywhere else on the plant, nor on clone 1 or 3. im assuming, since no other problems showing, that its just the plant trying to follow the light, which is strewn about the place.... maybe getting confused as to where the leaves should face and so its facing both directions at once?

any one else have this problem? they werent doing this when they were shorter and the lights were well above the canopy.. i hope this is all it is D'oh!

oh ya, they are all topping a meter now =D


Active Member
i have such a horrible success rate with clones -_-...... ive tried 4 different methods. maybe my rooting hormone is actually anti-rooting hormone @.@ moms gettin bushy too and its time to give her a gewd huwhacking. quick to the batcopter! mebe ill turn the cooler into a bubble cloner and try that next v.y for now though its back to rockwool. i have like 8% with that method haha fml (sarcasm, yes, im sorry. haha its more like 50%. its not 100 and so its not enough ;p)


Active Member
my friends grow

front left:shiva
rear right: sour diesel x trainwreck
rear left, front mid, and front right: "stinky pinky"-wish i knew what genes they really are

sour diesel x trainwreck and either the shiva or one of the "stinky pinkies" is male(cant remember) w00t!!! you know what time it is xD free clones for me!


Active Member
well be lollipopping all of his when we clone off the lower branches. im leaving mine to do natures work though, as all but like 4 branches made it up to the top.


Active Member
new babies asleep in their crib

replacement mother (just in case) tryin lst this time instead of fimming, just starting to show signs of N deficiency, so im gonna foliar feed her with 1/10 recommended solution of general hydroponic's florablend vegan compost tea. does that sound about right?

the last days of some freaks from the first batch of clones (i had damaged the top, so all that was left was a leaf. i thought itd be interesting to see how long theyd last. its been about 4 months)

ima try to borrow a camera today so i can get some good shots of the beasts for yall.


Active Member
the last of the clones(rear left/2nd in view) has perked up. lookin like its gonna be 100% this run z0mg im so excited!


Active Member
just got 2 cuttings from the males, one sour diesel x trainwreck and one "stinky pinky(it smells so fucking bad xD)" friend destroyed the rest of them.

mmm mmm looky here. SDxTW

didnt get a pic of the "stinky pinky" i really want to know what strain it is, the leaves are FUCKING HUGE. narrow at the base of the fingers and super wide in the middle, so its def a hybrid, over a foot diameter.

the SDxTW stalk had light neon purple streaks.


Active Member
didnt get a pic of the "stinky pinky" i really want to know what strain it is, the leaves are FUCKING HUGE. narrow at the base of the fingers and super wide in the middle, so its def a hybrid

I would say mostly indica or an indica dom, would not say hybrid FOR SURE


Active Member
the SP is def an indi dom hybrid

back to the BB! day ... 18?

idk if you can see the crystals in the pic, but i can plain as day irl.

haha!! i figured it out! stereoscopic budporn! just cross your eyes till the images overlap and focus on the middle image that appears! it looks 3d and you can actually make out the frosties!

ima start doign this more often lol.. ima try to make an animooted gif for yall so you dont have to cross your eyes. be back in a bit with the results.


Active Member
mm i think im gonna add some cannabiogen- sandstorm and destroyer to my next order. i think that covers all the bases... if anybody can think of something im missing let me know.


Active Member
oooh yah!! yall have to start doin this stereoscopic budporn now! get some micro shots holy jizz pants batman.

take two pictures. take the first one, and then the second one 2 inches to the side(for micro shots it would be much less). make sure you put the left picture on the right, and the right picture on the left, so your left eye looks at the left picture and your right eye looks at the right picture when you cross your eyes. your left eye to the right and your right eye to the left.... right?.... right.

got it?


Active Member
the chocolate thai is REALLY coming out in this pheno. chocolate chocolate chocolate!!! OMFG WIN.. very earthy and slightly skunky berry without disturbance, (with disturbance=astringent with sweet undertones that become more prominent as you adjust to the scent) im so glad these things got the sativa stretch. fucking great genes. squat dense veg producing a huge number of side branches that explodes into these fucking monsters, with high calyx:leaf. day 19 and the buds are just starting to swell, and are coated with young trichs.

upon leaving the grow room door open and therefor bypassing the passive intake, the smell emanating from the room is milk chocolate with a hint of some berry i cant quite place. its not blueberry; less earthy, im thinking mulberry.

i really loved chocolate thai, so i hope it sticks around.=)


Well-Known Member
Subed. Nice grow.

You had me bumping my nose into the laptop screen all morning trying to get 3d, lol.


Active Member
haha. its easier for me to do it further away. dont have to cross your eyes so much. did you finally get it?