Pro-Grow 180 Grow, Pineapple Express, Humboldt and BUKU


Active Member
Hey guys, sorry about not having any updates in a while but lifes been crazy this summer, nothing bad, all in good fun. I didnt want to leave you without final numbers though.

I got 55.5g off of the humboldt alone, for a total of 98g dry! About 3 and half ounces off of 2 plants so im quite pleased with this light!

I ended up about .54 g/watt at the 180 rated watts and about .75 g/watt at the 130 actual watts!!


Well-Known Member
I've got a BUKU going now too that is a month or so ahead of yours. The plant is a midget. It don't get big.
I germed the BUKU the same as the 8 other strains I started at the same time. After 31 days in dirt I switched the
lights to 12/12. BUKU was just 14 inches while everybody else was 24-30 inches. Now, after flowering for 39 days
the plant is just 26 inches tall and basically one cola. The big fans are turning rusty and she should be done in a week or 10 days.
I'll be lucky to dry and cure 20 grams from her.
