Pro Grow 260 LED Purple Urkle - Chem Dawg - OG Kush


Well-Known Member
So this is my second grow with this light. My first grow had to be moved to a friends hows due to some landlord issues but now im all alone with my AMAZING pro grow 260. I first bought 5 chem dawg clones off a friend and when another one of my grow buddies found out i had chem dawg he needed to get his hands on that strand. So i traded him 3 clones for a purple urkle and 2 og kush. Totally a cool trade with me and plus these plants were definitely a few weeks older than my clones.

these photos were taken at the start of august.



Well-Known Member
Here are the plants after 2 weeks od adjusting into there new LED Pro Grow light. I re potted them into bigger containers and with roots organic soil. I was told theres enough nutrients in the soil to just add water for the next few weeks and they seam to love the new soil.



Well-Known Member
All the plants are doing great except one small chem dawg that almost died when i went on vacation and didnt get enough water but she is still living and will hopefully catch up asap. The 2 og kush are on the far back. the left front is chem dawg and the front right is purple urkle and my tiny chem dawg is on the back next to my clone bucket.

I just bought a 4x4 tent and will be setting it up asap to start flower next week...



Well-Known Member
Finally bpught a 4x4 grow tent for a great price of craigslist. I think im going to put them into flower in the next week since they are getting kind of large now. I use to give my plants 24 hours of darkness before putting them into flower, a old friend told me it helped them switch. has anyone else heard of this process?



Well-Known Member
so i did some research and im definitely going to do 24hrs of drakness before 12/12 and i also learned about 48hrs of darkness at the end to form more crystals... but now i was looking at my puple urkle plant and she looks to be early flowering or something. She is spitting out tons of hairs at the bud sites. Is this normal or she telling me she wants to flower. Let me know what you guys think. The comments are helpful for a new grower.



Well-Known Member
She is flowering! Looks healthy but pretty leggy..... I don't have experience with LED grows, but I'm sure the lights are too far away, get them closer or you'll have small and wispy buds.


Well-Known Member
Really flowering even with the lights on 18 hrs a day. My buddy says that strand tends to have a ton of pistons all through growth. I guess I need to flower sooner than later.


Active Member
If it is flowering in 18/6 schedule then you don't have photoperiod plants they are autoflowers man you might have to rethink your plan...


Well-Known Member
I just moved them into a grow tent in the garage. Do you think cold temperature did this, and I was planning on switching the lights after this weekend but now I'm thinking I should start flowering soooner and I probably shouldn't let that plant go in 24hrs of darkness before flower since accelerate wants to flower. I'm confused I've never seen this happen.


Well-Known Member
so these girls just went 24hrs of darkness and now they are in flower mode:-o. They just got there first dose of nutrients and I think they are looking very healthy.



Well-Known Member
What to do? I live in the mind of Colorado and the temps are starting to range from 40f to 50f. Currently my grow tent is in the garage and at the moment I'm to afraid to add fans to bring in new air to my tent. My tent seems to stationery nice 75f at the moment but I'm not sure how long it will stay a current 75f when the outside temp gets below freezing or even below 0. What should I do? I know the plants need a nice neutral temp but they also need fresh air. Should I buy a cc k or 2 to maintain a good temp and will my plants be fine if I just open the tent doors a few times a day. Thanks all help and advice will help....I almost wish I had a god and I would have no problem bringing cool air into the tent.


Purple Urkle is an extremely difficult strain. They have huge node spaces, have very weak stalks that typically don't develop well, must be supported throughout their life, and even farting on them too hard can damage the plants. A lot of people will try to say that a deformed Urkle is because you didn't have the right light, not enough circulation, whatever. Bear in mind that a lot of challenges associated with Urkle is exclusive to the strain, and unless someone has really worked with the extra finicky phenotype, won't really know exactly what you're dealing with.

I had an urkle that was under equal light that I was training but for whatever reason two main branches took over. I had to arrange lighting so that the rest of the plant got light and the main branches got very little. This has nothing to do with me, as I have multiple plants of different strains in identical conditions but only the Urkle acts up. The plant would really grow those two branches but hardly anything else despite light levels.

It worked out ok, but because of this the plant has to be placed on the edge of a light. My particular Urkle mother prefers a vertical bulb because of how its growth is. Urkle is very manmade. Such a weak plant would have never developed or thrived in nature alone. The good news is that I'm pretty sure hermaphrodism is next to impossible with Urkles.

Urkle is also a low producer. My advice would be to grow multiple Urkles if you go that route. However, it's very high demand and not readily available. Grand Daddy Purple was made out of the frustrations of growing Urkle.
One of the best phenotypes out there are very lanky (almost more like a vine) plants with purple showing in the first week of flower, even at temps up to 85F. That phenotype will in fact grow on the ground like a vine if you let it. But, that's the phenotype you really want. In the right places and with growing that phenotype to its ultimate potential, I've seen prices of $600/oz where normal ounces were in the $200 range. Bear in mind that's perfect case scenario. The downside is that you will typically have very little trim for hash. I would top, top, top, Urkles again and again. They really love to branch out and topping works better on these than most from a, "bud site" perspective.

Perhaps I'll make a mini grow log with strain and phenotype specifics.


What to do? I live in the mind of Colorado and the temps are starting to range from 40f to 50f. Currently my grow tent is in the garage and at the moment I'm to afraid to add fans to bring in new air to my tent. My tent seems to stationery nice 75f at the moment but I'm not sure how long it will stay a current 75f when the outside temp gets below freezing or even below 0. What should I do? I know the plants need a nice neutral temp but they also need fresh air. Should I buy a cc k or 2 to maintain a good temp and will my plants be fine if I just open the tent doors a few times a day. Thanks all help and advice will help....I almost wish I had a god and I would have no problem bringing cool air into the tent.
That has to be worked out early. You have a tent, can you store it in the house? If not, I'd buy a space heater and use that for the garage. Sacrificing circulation for temperature is going to yield less than perfect results. You need to have both proper temp AND circulation, not one or the other (which I'm pretty sure you've realized already).


Well-Known Member
thanks greensome for the purple urkle information. I never knew how difficult the strand could be, but really the only issue ive had is the plant just decided it wanted to flower, even in 18hrs of light. I will definetly be doing a few thing different and probably topping a lot more next time but my real issue is my temp and circulation. Im planning on moving my grow tent to my workshop were its a lot warmer. Its now starting to get below freezing here in the mtns of colorado and i dont want to stress my girls out with daily drastic temperature changes.