Well-Known Member
Coco is great, but be sure to rinse it prior to use. I prefer the dehydrated compressed blocks. I get 5KG blocks for $10 that are ~2.5 cf after being hydrated. The loose bags of coco are usually $20-30 for 2.5 cf and even though they say double/triple rinsed they still have residual salts. I used to use Promix HP but my local hydro store charges $50 for the 3.8 cf bale. I can get 12.5 cf of coco for that much and my plants grow just as good.
i wish i could find cheap botanicare cocogro 5kg bricks up here for what i used to pay. now they are no where to be found and all i find lately is cocotek which for me the granule size it too small. Botanicare was chunkier and superior.