Pro-mix® bx mycorrhizae


Well-Known Member
Yes, they are organic.

I make my own mix using Premier peat moss, same Co that makes ProMix. My mix is like a ProMix++ and have been making it for ~40 years.

For 35 or so of those years I only used Jack's Classic. I've only started doing organics in the last 4-5 years.

Just because it's organic doesn't mean you can't use chems with it if you so desire. It's just not technically organic after you add the chems.


Edit: I thought I was replying to a different ProMix thread where they were asking about chems. It works well either way.


Well-Known Member
ohh i just got confused about jack. lamo and the first few runs i plan on using house and garden on it. so it wont be to organic. but once i get the outdoor plot all setup i want to make a big batch of super soil for 3-4 flower beds.


Well-Known Member
well gooodness this myco stuff really works, i had some bright ass white root looking things right underneath the soil weghre i transplanted. transplants in about 2 weeks, so lets see how they will look then,.