Pro N.W.O


Well-Known Member
I'm for the nwo.
We already have corporate masters and always will, at least in my lifetime.
I honestly do not see the downside of being on the same page as the rest of the globe.
As a us/British citizen I think we will be fine.
The poor oppressed countries will still be poor and oppressed.
Same same
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Talk me out of it.
It's called United Nations. The only problem is America, China, Iran, Isis, and Russia is all fighting to be the top dog. And it looks like we are winning. But basically the NWO is already here, with the US telling everyone what they can and can not do. And it seems like the Jewish and Free Masons are in charge

But I do understand we will not be able to keep having babies and be able to feed the world. lol maybe with soylent.. But honestly, just maybe this guy is on to something..

It's going to bottle neck probably within my life time..


I am against it simply because of how smug the tin foil hat crowd would act if it happened. The shit talking would never end, and I would just have to take it.

Plus, I bet the changeover would require me to fill out multiple forms. Sounds like a hassle.