prob.. but how? look! but it must be!

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
this is my 1st grow with my ghetto bubbleponic system and box, well its my 1st grow ever at that. heres the story, 2 dif strain bagseed, sprouted in soil nute were given, i didnt know better, one was normal the other had stubbed and deformed leaves which it matured out of. growth was beyond imagination with correct ph and nute strength mixture until 2 days ago the ugly duckling which was always dense as it is, started drooping and new growth twisting. so yesterdat i changed the nute solution, it was due in a couple days anyways up the ppm to full vegitation mode checked ph b4 and after mixure of solution adjust after and fell above 5.5 but below 6.0. im confident with the pmp and the ph cause it roommate isnt having a problem with it at all, look she loves it. i remembered when i changed the solution the bubble disk was on its back giving bubbles to the healthier plant more if thats the case then its symptoms of overwatering and will it kick back? oh look at its stem also, could that be the culprit?


Well-Known Member
thats a problem oh shit mine were doing that i got em in soil too and they have some yellowing edges and rust spots


Well-Known Member
you need to suport that stem for a few days + i would give it a 24 hr flush with water only with ph at 5.8 should be fine after that as i had same problem

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
but look at the one next to it it seem ok and they share the same nutes. but i will try and flush that one. how do i give a "24 hr" flush. the flush is for the roots or the medium? so the medium may have build up? im not questioning your knowledge i just want to understand "why"


Well-Known Member
as i said m8 i had same problem youve got you need to empty your nutes and just use water ph 5.8
for 24 hrs
that stem will heal fine aslong as you can keep it stable
wots your ppm and ph at the minute ?
the medium must stay dry at all times if you used a R/C for clone that will suck up loads of moisture and get saturated

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
i dont have a ppm meter its on its way but my nutes are mixed according to full veg specs and my ph is above 5.5 but below 6.0. i will have to seclude the sick plant but it wont have bubbles will it be ok 4 24 hrs roots half submerged?


Well-Known Member
a flush will remove all nutes and toxins from the plants then you can start again with the nutes as i dont no your ppm i dont no wot strength to tell you other than when mine were that small i would only give them 300-350 ppm always try to keep water at ph 5.8


Well-Known Member
no m8 the roots need that air to live
just flush the hole bucket it wont hurt the other plant infact it will do it some good as well


Well-Known Member
with the size of plants you have the max nutes you should be giving is half of the max on the bottles