Probable Male: Need 2nd opinion before I pull. 12/12 from sprout


Well-Known Member
I have 3 plants from the same nug of some good bagseed and I went to check on them this morning and 1/3 is definitely female, another is most likely male and the 3rd is a week or so behind so can't tell yet but looking similar to my current female.

22 Days from sprout

12/12 3x42w CFL 2700k

I took the probable male out of the growbox right away so its just chillin until I know for sure. Anyways thanks in advance.

Unfortunately the male was the largest. Definitely started stretching the last few days so a male trait.



Well-Known Member
it's possible. A couple of the pictures look like they might have male flowers. But they are so blurry it's hard to say for certain. Need clearer close up shots.